Holy shit I got my hands on the new Flowermate SWIFT Pro! It’s their new 100% convection portable vape that will be out mid October. Their Flowermate 5.0s is a kickass little budget vape with good vapor and great build quality. I’m excited to see how SWIFT Pro performs.
I’ll be testing and writing a full Flowermate review over the next several weeks.
In the meantime, check out a gallery of the Swift Pro below the video.
Flowermate SWIFT Pro Gallery
- No I don’t have banana hands, these vapes are compact and easy to hold.
- The Flowermate SWIFT Pro comes in black or green
- The front of the SWIFT Pro has the logo printed on it. The mouthpiece swivels out.
- The Flowermate SWIFT Pro Full convection vaporizer
- Flowermate SWIFT Pro comes with a bunch of stuff!
- These are the 4 rings that came with my unit. I THINK the one on the right as experimental or something.
- The interface is simple to use. Heats up very quickly.
- It fits nicely in the hand. The finish is soft and pleasing.
- The micro usb charging port. I normally prefer it on the side/back, but I’m OCD like that.
- The bowl and swappable ring system. The top unscrews to remove the ring.
- The mouthpiece twists off. The screen on the underside is .52″
- This is the inside of the mouthpiece. The o-ring is removable.
- This is the underside of the top-half of the mouthpiece when taken apart.