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[News] 2 out of 50000+ Venty Vaporizers have Melted

The Venty Vaporizer has been on the market for 6 months and continues to surprise everyone!

The Venty is a portable dry herb vaporizer made in Germany by Storz & Bickel, one of the most respected and trusted brands in the cannabis vapor space. Their Volcano Vaporizer launched over 20 years ago and has led the dry herb vaporizer industry since its creation.

 The Venty is at the top of my Best Portable Vaporizers list and is currently my favorite dry herb vape.

Despite being the highest-rated vaporizer from one of the most reliable brands, the Venty launch has not been the smoothest. The first batch of 10,000 Venty vaporizers was recalled and replaced a month after launch, leaving the earliest adopters feeling like beta testers.

OMG More Venty Problems?

It’s the middle of March 2024, roughly 6-months since the launch of the Venty.  While hundreds of Venty owners enjoy their vapes, two users have stepped forward with melted and burned Venty vaporizers.

Reddit user u/In-Gen posted the following about his melted Venty vaporizer:

I loaded my Venty and turned it on. It was set to 180 degrees. The screen was blue and I set the Venty upright on my nightstand. After about 90 seconds, I noticed a burning smell. I look over to the Venty and there’s smoke emitting from the vents in the top chamber. I observed that the screen is still blue and reading 180 as well. I quickly grabbed the Venty and attempted to power it off at the side. The top portion was scoldingly hot to the touch. The screen did turn off and it seemed to stop heating. After letting it cool down, I took off the top chamber. It felt glued and hard to turn. I got it off and the first thing I noticed was that the dry herb was burned black and that bits of plastic melted and stuck to the heating chamber. There’s a very strong and horrible smell coming from the burnt plastic. It permeated throughout the house and I can still smell it on my skin. The white cup that holds the dry herb above the heating screen looks tilted and melted.”

– Original Thread

Melted Venty Vaporizer

The melted Venty photo posted to Reddit is alarming. The cream-colored PEEK plastic surround on the bowl appears to be melted and charred into the bowl.

The blue O-ring around the bowl appears to be discolored and misshapen! Was there enough heat to melt the PEEK *and* the silicon?

PEEK plastic melts at 649F – more than 200 degrees hotter than Venty’s hottest operating temperature.

Silicone shouldn’t be melting until 1000F or even hotter – which means that vape got HOT AF. 

Unless that’s not the OEM blue O-ring, which indicates that the vape may have been tampered with or modified.

There have been a total of TWO melted Venty reported publicly.

After seeing my video, a 2nd user has come forward with photo evidence of his melted Venty vaporizer.

This user had a similar issue to u/In-Gen and his Venty bowl melted!

2nd Melted Venty Bowl
2nd melted Venty bowl (other side)

This looks like another case of the heater and bowl getting hotter than the operating temperature and melting the PEEK plastic above the bowl. The O-ring is still blue on the 2nd guy’s Venty.

Red Flag? Cause for Alarm?

These are two *dangerous* faults. It looks scary and no one wants to inhale melty plastic fumes. 

Two out of 50,000 is only .004%.

If we assume there are 20 out of 50k, that’s still only .04% as a critical failure rate.

Maybe they’ve only sold 20,000 Venty. If there are 20 melty Venty out there, that’s a .1% failure rate. While that’s still *very low* – it’s probably high enough for Storz & Bickel to take action on.

I’m Still Using & Recommending the Venty

These melting problems are nowhere near widespread enough to be alarmed.

Most electronic vaporizers have higher failure rates than Storz & Bickel and despite what you read in the comments, they still have top-notch quality control and warranty.

The Venty is the most powerful portable dry herb vaporizer available. As long as no more vapes are melting, I will continue to use my Venty daily. See my Venty Review to understand why it’s the best.


I've been medicating with vaporizers, legally, since 2012. I started reviewing dry herb vaporizers and other cannabis products in 2015. I fell in love with creating content around vapes and cannabis vaporization. I'm passionate about the topic and the community. I love bringing people together and I love helping them understand the ins and outs of vaping weed.


  1. John

    I’m glad you kept digging into this, starting to look like either the owners didn’t get the recall notice or just missed it all together and these are Pre-recall /2023 models. Would still like S&B to do a little digging to help save their face and put people’s minds at ease if it was on recalled units 100%.

    • Ben Hennessy

      Just want to note, it’s been confirmed the melting units were 2nd models. Not the first batches. E04 still persists, I’m on my 2nd unit, and all we have is a pending update that does not have any date lol So bad!


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  1. John

    I’m glad you kept digging into this, starting to look like either the owners didn’t get the recall notice or just missed it all together and these are Pre-recall /2023 models. Would still like S&B to do a little digging to help save their face and put people’s minds at ease if it was on recalled units 100%.

    • Ben Hennessy

      Just want to note, it’s been confirmed the melting units were 2nd models. Not the first batches. E04 still persists, I’m on my 2nd unit, and all we have is a pending update that does not have any date lol So bad!


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