The Vortex cooling stem for the Dynavap Vapcap vaporizer is one of the most impressive and game-changing cooling stems in the Dynaverse.
From the exterior, the Vortex is a simple one-piece titanium stem. But on the inside, there is clearly something different going on. The Vortex stem from Simrell Collection delivers the coolest and the smoothest vapor of any Dynavap vape I’ve used.
Table of Contents
Costs of the Vortex
The Vortex Stem is $150 in naked Titanium, or $200 with custom anodization. Titanium is expensive and expensive to work with. It doesn’t come with a tip or a cap, but most people looking at a Vortex will be upgrading from a Vapcap M or an Omni. If you need to add a tip and a cap, factor in another $60 for a titanium tip and cap.
Is it worth it?
It depends. If the Dynavap Vapcap is your daily driver, the Vortex stem will deliver the nicest vaping experience and incredibly smooth and cool vapor. The Vortex also looks sleeker and sexier than almost every other vape on the market, while natively fitting a 10mm female water bong. One hundred and fifty bones is a lot, but you can’t put a price on the happiness delivered by a product that you love using.
If I were to lose mine today, I would spend another $200 to replace it immediately.
The Intercooler is a titanium spiral that slips into the Vortex and adds nearly a square inch of surface area to the vapor path. The Intercooler splits the vapor path into two channels and forces the vapor to travel an elongated path and come in contact with more titanium. This cools the vapor without adding significant draw restriction – you CAN feel the difference in restriction though. The Intercooler add-on is $15 and will fit both the Titanium Vortex and the Wooden Vortex. The Intercooler is NOT compatible with the Vapcap M, Omni, Nonavong, or any other stem. The Intercooler is designed specifically for the Simrell Vortex.The Intercooler slides into the stem behind the Dynavap tip. It cools the vapor even more!The Vortex can be used with or without the titanium intercooler.The Intercooler cools the Dynavap vapor nicely without drastically reducing the airflow or changing the flavor
Anodizing Options
If naked Titanium isn’t your thing and you’d rather bring some color into your vape collection, Austyn will anodize your Vortex for an additional $50. Anodizing is a process that creates a layer of oxidation on the outer surface. No dyes are used, only electricity and some common household chemicals. Variations in the voltage used, or something like that, can create different colors of anodization.
The rainbow of available colors gives Austyn another creative playground. He can anodize in the color of your choice, or fade between two. Keep in mind this is an art, not an exact science, so talk to Austyn about your ideas before designing your perfect vape.
I’ve been told that the colorful anodized surface of my Vortex is capable of being scratched and scuffed and that deep scratches will cause naked titanium to show through. I’ve carried my stem in my pocket with other things and have not found ANY scratches on my Vortex stem. I’m not sure if I’ve just gotten lucky, or if Austyn anodized my stem extra hard, or maybe I’m just not being rough enough with it.
It’s hard to describe the differences in the Vortex Vapor. They’re subtle and subjective, but there are legit differences in temperature and the vapor feels more smooth and fluffy as it rolls into your mouth.
The Dynavap Vapcap M is only $70 and to the unfamiliar, it will produce the exact same vapor as the Vortex. They’re both driven by the same engine – the Dynavap Vapcap tip and cap.
The Vapcap M is like the Honda Civic. Affordable, reliable, easy to drive, easy to maintain. It will get you and your friends where you need to go. The Vapcap M is a fantastic value, that’s why they’re everywhere. Everyone has one, or should, or they’ve passed it down while upgrading themselves.
The Omnivap and the Nonavong options are nice Dynavap upgrades. They’re the Lexus of the Dynavap automotive lineup here. Really nice upgrades deliver your dry herb vapor in a more luxurious and feature-rich experience. Adjustable airport, native water pipe fittings, spinning mouthpieces, wooden barrels, etc. The vapor doesn’t change so much, but the experience does.
But then we get into the Vortex.
The Vortex is the Lambo. It’s built to look, feel, and deliver differently. It’s still powered by the same Dynavap Vapcap tip, but the Vortex stem engages the tip differently and manipulates the vapor in beneficial ways as it travels towards your lips and lungs. The Simrell Vortex, with or without the intercooler, delivers the smoothest vapor and most pleasurable vaping experience I’ve had with a vapcap.
Pick up a Vortex from or contact him via his instagram.
If you’re not ready for a Vortex, but would like to further explore other Dynavap Vapcap vaporizers, hit up my Dynavap Vapcap Buying Guide.
Other Work By Simrell Collection
Austyn has been making high end custom wooden pens for years and his specialty is actually with wood. This whole time we’ve been adoring his #metal. Here’s a little gallery of his wooden Dynavap stems and other custom Vortices.
All images swiped from @SimrellCollection
Hi Troy, A great review. I noticed the tip on your Simrell Vortex looks different than the others. Is this also from Simrell?
Watch again. You had said in the vid, ti classic. Bummed no longer available.
Your review got me to pull the trigger on this. And I couldn’t be happier.
I opted for the classic plain Ti cuz I’m from the Midwest and I’m a cheap bastard. But it’s everything you said it would be and worth every penny. If I liked anodizing I’d have no problems pulling two Benjamins outta my wallet.
Instead I’m going to order myself a custom wood Vortex. And I can’t wait. I’ll keep the wood in the house (kinda like a detachable penis) and pop the Ti in my 3-D printed XL Dynastash when I’m on the go.
The Simrell Vortex has made the vapcap my #1 vaporizer. And I honestly didn’t see that coming.
Thanks for the great videos.
Cheers, kb
The design is so simple, yet perfect. And I’d never guess that that Vortex is the same length as the Omni-XL.
Will the normal length vortex stem fit in a Silo XL by Interplanetary Development?