A while back I wrote a guide for people looking to vape indoors without getting caught. I received a ton of feedback about it, the majority of which suggested getting a smoke Buddy and Ozium would be enough to never get caught. On my most recent snowboarding trip to Mammoth Mountain, I decided to take a brand new Smoke Buddy with me, and run a half-ounce through it.
TLDR; If you don’t feel like reading the entire guide, here’s my conclusion. Yes, the Smoke Buddy absolutely does work at dramatically reducing the smell of vaped AND smoked cannabis. However, read the “Does The Smoke Buddy Work For Weed” section to see the shortfall of the Smoke Buddy in regards to combusting cannabis.
Does The Smokebuddy Work For Weed?
I wanted to be as thorough and detailed as possible when testing the Smoke Buddy. For that reason my friend and I combusted a good amount of weed through my new bubbler, to see how the Smoke Buddy handles smoked cannabis AND vaped cannabis. In conclusion, yes the Smoke Buddy greatly cut down on the smell of combusting weed. However, there was some smoke that would escape the bowl after combusting which would dissipate into the room. That smoke was 100% unfiltered and thus stunk up the room.
How Does the Smoke Buddy Work?
The Smoke Buddy uses an activated charcoal filtration system to remove smells and particles from your exhaled breath. Tiny fragments of carbon create massive amounts of surface area in the filter. The activated carbon is ultra-reactive to most gases and will absorb and eliminate any smells.
To eliminate vapor or smoke smells before they even start, simply exhale your hit directly through the Smoke Buddy.
Does The Smoke Buddy Work For Vape?
Believe it or not, even the best portable dry herb vapes smell, albeit nowhere near as much as combusting does! We tested the smoke buddy with a few different vaporizers to see how it held up. The vapes used were: the Mighty, SWIFT, and IQ. I would confidently say that the Smoke Buddy absolutely does work for vaporizing weed. It works well with conduction vaporizers (IQ) and convection vaporizers (Mighty/SWIFT).
Closing Thoughts
If you’re worried about leaving as little evidence behind after enjoying cannabis. I would highly recommend getting a Smoke Buddy and using it with a weed vaporizer. Whatever little smell is left can be easily eliminated using Febreeze or Ozium. The Smoke Buddy was not as effective at eliminating the smell of combusted cannabis. The reason for this was because of the little traces of smoke that sparking a bowl emits.
I found my way around this. If you have a sneak a toke and cover it with your lighter or a dugout and insert the tip into your Dugoutbefore taking before stopping sucking and close it immediately.
One thing I can certainly suggest (that simply comes from experience) is to Always cap your bowl (that’s kinda high school pot knowledge 101). Now, granted I am a child of the 70’s-80’s (& yes, we Did see All the cool bands) but that is the only downfall I see here – smoke buddy: 1 In
The smoke buddy works for crack too
straight up, put weed in the bowl piece, small enough to where you can pop the bowl and pull the ashes through, no weed smoke comes out because theres none in the bowl, if you can rip fat tokes full send and pack a rimmer, but I personally dont know how a smoke buddy would fare having a massive toke blown through it.
Am I wrong or does vapes weed doesn’t have any smoke?
I pulled rimmers through it often and it works great not a scent of smell
It works for a lot of drugs
If ya got a big puff it actually works pretty good still… U just have to exhale into it 2 or 3 times.
So once ya exhale, inhale through the nostrils n repeat without loosing the connection to ya face.
Yes but if you’re smoking a dubbie or blunt. It does not help with the other smoke. Coming from the dubbie or blunt. So I don’t understand.
It will work with smoke, but it doesn’t capture the 2nd hand smoke that’s rolling from the blunt