The Magic Flight PICO – An electric one-hitter that vapes and combusts at the same time – or something like that.
The team over at Magic Flight recently slipped a new device onto their site – the Magic Flight PICO
A “electric one-hitter designed for combustion without the butane”
According to the description, the PICO initially vaporizes the material at the start of the hit, but combusts at the end.
It’s hard to be skeptical because I’m a huge fan of the MFLB – but this kinda makes me wonder. Is this Magic Flights grasp at the super budget vape scene? Going after the VapCap users who are tired of carrying around a freaking blowtorch?
Or is this a failed mini vape that ended up being cool enough to put out?
I can’t wait to try it!
UPDATE: It sucks.
2nd UPDATE: The Pico is no longer made. RIP