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Vape Church Confession // NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL

The last few Vape Church episodes have been a new format, and I’ve been hearing some grumbles about the lack of live-stream.

I hear your complaints. And I like the group stream too.

So we’re going to change back, kind of.

We’ll still do a public and a private, but the livestream will be on a NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

New Youtube Channel?!?

In case you didn’t really read the previous words, I’m migrating Vape Church to a new youtube channel.

I want to continue exploring this community energy and nurturing it until it blossoms. The best way to do that is to break it free from my 420vapezone umbrella. This will allow for MORE STREAMING and more community-based content.



I've been medicating with vaporizers, legally, since 2012. I started reviewing dry herb vaporizers and other cannabis products in 2015. I fell in love with creating content around vapes and cannabis vaporization. I'm passionate about the topic and the community. I love bringing people together and I love helping them understand the ins and outs of vaping weed.

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  1. Satta!



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  1. Satta!



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