The Venty Vaporizer is one of the latest and greatest dry herb consumption devices available, but it’s only 6 months old and many early adopters are having Venty problems.
The first 10,000 Venty vaporizers were recalled and replaced. Within days of receiving their new vape, Venty owners were asked to plug their device into a PC and let the device run its update, which then disables the recalled Venty and confirms its status with Storz & Bickel.

Venty Error 04
Even after the Venty recall, many in the community are having issues with ERR04.
This error means the Venty vaporizer is faulty and needs to be returned; however, this error often resets itself after 5 or 10 minutes.
April 2024 Venty Software Update
This April Storz & Bickel mentioned an upcoming software update that will resolve most of the ERROR 04 issues on the Venty.
This means many of these issues are software rather than physical hardware problems.
Storz & Bickel has not released this new software yet but promises that it’s coming soon.
While putting together my Venty review, I noticed some misleading commentary in the community about the Venty ERR 005 “error”.
The ERR 005 is displayed when the Venty detects blowback through the mouthpiece and heater.
This “error” doesn’t mean problems, it’s merely a warning – don’t blow through your Venty.
I’ve seen the ERR 005 displayed while the Venty is connected to a bong and the water level moves at the end of the inhale causing air to be pushed back through the vape.
All the Venty Error Codes
Here are the rest of the Venty ERR codes, directly from the Venty User Manual.
My 2nd Venty, first after the recall, produced the ERR04 error while pressing both front buttons together at the same time. The error resets itself after 5 minutes and the vape continues to function normally – as long as I don’t touch both buttons at the same time.
F in the Chat for BrightonEarly – His Venty is suffering from the E04 Error. According to the user manual above, the Err 004 says the Venty is faulty and shouldn’t be used.
BrightonEarly said his Venty displays the E04 Error while heating with the cooling unit removed. I’ve tried to reproduce this error by heating my Venty without its cooling unit, but mine has yet to display the error.
He also included a thermal image of his Venty heating up without the cooling unit! How cool! Thanks Brighton!
Has your Venty vaporizer displayed any of the other errors? Leave a comment down below to let me know!
Nope not once but I don’t use attachments and only charge with S&B chargers (I used the quick charger I bought with my Mighty+). I believe I got one of the first shipments directly from the company. I did receive the email and had no problems connecting to the app. It is currently slowly discharging the battery according to the app and email instructions.
What was the email about??? I just bought mine from cityvaporisers in Canada. Something I should worry about?
I have experienced this problem with 2 new units I am trying to get warranty replacement
Sad to hear Mark. Thank you for sharing your troubles. Are you getting Error 04?
tengo error4 en mi venty y no funciona que procede tengo 1 mes de comprado
Had mine a week used for 5 hours and got the E05 displayed. It started yesterday and is kind of working intermittently. Have tried reset 10 second and factory reset.
Still shows each time switched on then green display returns so start inhale but 3/4 seconds the E05 again.
Shame as now Christmas is here!
Just discovered that faster inhale lasts longer the E05 returns when stop,with no blowback.
Prob have to return to s&b after hols :(
Yes. This morning. I got the worse code ever. This is my second Venty. I am beginning to feel bitter…
I just got the dreaded 04 error
Thanks for making a chart for easy diagnosis
Mine only lasted 5 days before e04 error message
I’m on my 4th Venty I keep winning the E04 lottery
Haha, rly? Im on my 4 ath now aswell, its about to go back again.
2nd venty. First one the battery inexplicably died. Now the second one I just charged and it gives a E04 Error. Absolute crap and I doubt I can get a refund, just ANOTHER faulty venty.
S&B did no testing on these…
Error 04 after only 12 hours,
S b sent new one right away .
I just got the E04. I’m hoping it heals itself
Had 200 hours of use before having constant 05 errors over the last few weeks. This happens when turning the device on and after taking 1-2 draws. The error occurs so much now that the Venty is unusable. I have never blown into the device. I carried out a RMA with S&B for a repair. Ive had a few mighty’s , a plenty, and a couple of volcano’s of the years. I’ve never had a problem with a S&B device until now.
Heartbreaking to hear – error 5 is supposed to mean blowback, I wonder if your sensor has gone bad.
Thank you for commenting!
I experienced the E04 Error and the 10 second power hold reset did not fix it for me. I messed around with it a bit and if you hold Plus down with power for 10+ seconds, it will do a slightly different reset. After I did that, I was able to use it again, at least, immediately. I am posting this right after getting it working again so I can’t speak to any longevity but its something to try if you find yourself seeking a solution before warranty.
That didn’t do anything. Usually fixes itself, but that doesn’t seem to be happening either. I was trying to do firmware update and got the E04 but won’t come out of it.
Hope they contact me soon. This for medical and pain management.
E04 after about 5 weeks of use.
bought one from S&B Homepage. Worked for 3 days, then E04 appears.
Support seid to me, there will be an update in maybe one or two weeks which should fix the E04.
The wont sent me a new one easily, just offered to get in Service to play on the update, when released. So I should wait about 5 or 6 weeks.
Whole Story will be on reddit soon
The Venty is very nice, but S&B has no service. Very sad about this
Hi, I see that your comment has been posted very recently, so I’ve decided to reply.
My Venty arrived this Tuesday and I’ve experinced the “Error 04” after using it for less than an hour. I have already contacted the support and was told to wait for an update as well. No refund or new device was offered, since it is a “hygienic product”. I suspect that this is a serious hardware issue which they just cannot / do not want to fix and the update will simply remove the error message – not the issue with the battery itself….
I’m on my 4th venty now. Been having this issue since December. So far theyve just sent me a new one without asoong any further questions. I just registered this one again in order tonstart the 5th RMA, I wonder if they are going tell me the same.
Ill keep updated . (Germany)
Same here 4 devices 4 ventys since December all lasted 4 weeks.
If you have error 4 wait till it turns off plug in charger it’ll reset it kind of and then you can use it. After a month of that eventually it stops working. They also told me to wait for a firm ware update and wouldn’t give me a date just Two weeks that was April 7th.
They used all of us as beta testers and we wernt compensated.
Usually they’d do testing focus groups and literally just let a select group use these devices and they’d know all about error 4 which means they knew about error 4.
They sold us the devices knowing they wernt ready knowing they hadn’t done sound testing which is pretty easy instead they used us and collected our info from the devices and now there’s a magically upgrade which probably won’t come out anytime soon
Damn that’s rough, 4 devices in 4 months. Did you have to send the first 3 back?
Same here with Error 04, after 2 months of purchase.
They should have called it Faulty instead…
Got mine, worked for 9 days now I have E04. Really upset, sending back to my local vape shop for a replacement. If the second one bricks, I’m asking for a full refund. This is wild :(
Mine did same within first few weeks of having it. Always went away. Have been unable to do update and now it’s stuck in E04.
Yes E04. Venty is 2 days old!
Had my Mighty+ 4 times(!!!!!) replaced because of Err004
I’m so upset.
Damn, that is so sad to hear :(
Please update us how your RMA goes.
Just installed Firmware V01.07 with Bluefy on iPhone in The Netherlands. Had to restart the Venty and connect a few times before installation started. Don’t get E04 anymore. Which happened after long hits at 210 Celcius/410 Fahrenheit. Not anymore. Hopefully it is not only switching off the error message.
E04 showed up again, after firmware upgrade, sent Venty to S&B for repair.
OOF, thanks for the update
Just received a new Venty as a replacement for the faulty (E04) unit purchased April 12.
This Venty came, factory installed, with firmware V01.07 iso V01.06 of the ‘April 12 unit’. So it suggests a recently produced unit I think/hope.
Except for serial# of course article# is identical.
Only difference I noticed display, when Venty = heating, now looks more pink than red to me. But hey….. works as a charm…. For now.
Fingers crossed for you Cees! I appreciate you updating us!
I’m on my third Venty and it is stuck in E04 and has been for weeks. Immediate e04 after pressing power button. Hopefully they make things right and this update fixes it for good. I own all their other devices but the venty was my favorite.
Yw, they will ship today the ‘Exchange on goodwill’ to me. So probably Monday or Tuesday (because of lousy UPS delivery) in house.
On my 4th Venty. Bought my first one day was released. Just continually get E04 with each device. S&B have replaced them all fine but they are like robots to deal with. I asked for refund (I am over the device for what I paid) and no just a replacement. I have been a long term S&B customer (I have 3 devices registered) and feel like the company has gone down hill. Somewhere online S&B were saying only 3% of Venty’s now breakdown. What bullshit. Look at the comments here alone, then there is reddit. I wouldn’t be buying a Venty for at least 6months.
trying everything, 004 won’t go away? please please help!!!
RMA waiting
÷^#*£^#÷*¥¥*?????whats going on……
right along with everyone venty fail after 5 uses. done the reset, the update still nothing really was hoping it was a great product!
Me venty gave up the same day I biuggt it and it was purchased at Spanabis from the owner of the brand what a crap company
That sucks man! I don’t think they’re a crap company though, they’ll take care of you.
They’re just having some hiccups with a new, popular product.
Venty arrive 4/26/24 and its 5/2/24. Venty displayed a E04 – This Venty is Faulty! Do not use. Contact S&B Warranty Service. I tried holding on/off button for about 8-9 secs until it flashed something on the LED. It’s working now. I will post if it happens again.
That’s a bummer – did you run the software update on your Venty?
just got my E04 code, thats why google brings me here? So what should i do now?
That sucks, sorry to hear Cory.
Check to see if your Venty will update its software when you connect it to your computer. If that doesn’t solve the problem, you’ll need to create an account on Storz website and register your vape to RMA it.
E04 this is my 4th venty this company can’t survive much more of this I’m sure if I’m not the only one having this issue sounds to me that this is a class action thing. These things aren’t cheap and I for one am sick of having weed I can’t vape.
You’re on your FOURTH!?? Damn… that’s rough.
Do you use the front buttons at all?
on my 4th RMA since Nov. This is obviously a failed device. The one I currently have, which of course started to E04, and upon trying to update the firmware (which crashed about 60% through update), it is now stuck in a bluetooth mode and won’t even reset. This is totally a hardware issue and ZI want a full refund. Feeling very rippe doff righ tnow.
Ouch, that sucks that you’re catching all of the failures. I hope they’re not sending refurbs already?
Best of luck with your refund.
I have received my first brand-new Venty (with V01.07, B01.06.) on friday, today (sunday) I had my occurance of the E04 error in light blue – after only 5h 54mins of usage. It came out of it for now, but wow… Shold it really die on me, I luckily happen to live in Germany. But this is crazy for a new vape (from S&B no less).
Wow that is unfortunate Daniel Let us know if you get any further errors or if you report to S&B.
Yes, after less than 6 weeks use it starts throwing the E04 code. At the price paid this is BUNK
This is so crazy. I’ve had the Mighty+ for 3 years, at least 3000+ hours of usage. Not one error. I held this company in high regards for their fine German Engineering. Now their new portable flagship is actually worse than any generic Chinese made vape.
I have a theory that the Venty might actually be the first device they don’t produce in Germany.
This wave of malfunctions just put the Venty way below the Fenix in my mind, which was the shabbiest and cheapest device I ever had – 10x cheaper than the Venty and still works after 6 years.
They should just recall the whole line and reimburse anyone who wants a refund. At least they can save face and still keep selling Mightys. If they keep doing this, sending 4-5 faulty products with over $500 price tag, they will totally destroy their good name.
I just bought one. I’m nervous.
Don’t be! They’ve been updating the hardware to improve the Venty. Majority of Venty owners are error free
It just arrived. Works flawlessly.
Wooowoo, congrats Todd!
I bought a Venty 2 weeks ago and straight away fully charged it with S&B charger and updated the firmware and have had zero problems. Troy I love your videos.
There are definitely more people who love their Venty and have been problem free than there are Error 04s
Thanks for the comment Colin! Keep us updated if you have any issues :)
It seems no more reports of E04 since July 2024. Maybe they fixed the problem? Any updates on this?
Thinking of getting one, would like to know if anyone’s had any issues since the update
People are still reporting problems, but it’s significantly less than before
After about 9mos of use, I finally started getting the dreaded E04 error. I hadn’t updated firmware since I bought it so I did that- didnt seem to help. I feel like it may be a hardware issue as I can get get it to work with multiple attempts and a firm effort on the power button….and I can kind of hear it now where I never did before and the 2 pieces of the body are ever so slightly loose. Just sharing- thanks for the info
That’s unfortunate, Thor. At 9 months, your device was definitely pre-hardware changes. That means that your replacement will hardware improvements specifically designed to make the Venty more reliable! Cheers! Keep us updated if you can
I got the E04 error a few times but after restating it would go again. Last week it was back for good. I raised an RMA and there sent me a new one without asking me to send the old one back. I repair computers and phones for a living so I decided to take it apart to see if I could fix it… and I did! for me at least the problem was the connectors that attached the heating chamber. The pins has become detached from the board. It uses the same connectors as some phone batteries. I didn’t have any in stock, so I reflowed the solder with my hot air machine. This is a specialist micro-soldering job, but I thought this information was worth sharing incase you have any local repair shops that might be willing to take a look.
Wow that’s awesome Shibby!! Now you have 2 Venty!!
Yeah I have! And so far it’s still working well. If I can find the time I might try to make a YouTube tutorial so others can try to revive there bricked Venty’s it’s be interesting to see if the point of failure is the same on all of them