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[News] Storz & Bickel Release New VENTY Vaporizer

The World’s leading dry herb vaporizer company is days away from releasing its highly anticipated portable vape. Storz & Bickel confirmed a new device was on its way last year when I traveled to Germany and toured their factory. Jurgen Bickel even teased a prototype of this new vape in the Summer of 2022.

UPDATE: My Venty Review is complete — Check it out

The new Storz & Bickel vape is highly anticipated because their vapes currently top both the Best Portable Vapes and the Best Desktop Vapes lists.

Jurgen testing Venty vape prototype


The Venty is out now and it looks incredible. The Venty heats up in 20 seconds and can crank out 10 sessions per charge. It’s 3x more powerful than the Mighty+ and has a more open airflow.
This vape is likely the new King.

Venty Vape Important Info

  • Powered by TWO 18650s, like the Mighty+
  • 130w @ 16amp
    • nearly 3x the power of Mighty+’s 40w
  • Fast 20-second heat up
  • Adjustable airflow
    • up to 20 liters per minute
    • double the airflow of Mighty+
  • Inhalation flow sensor  measures the negative pressure of the draw and adjusts the heater on the fly to deliver a perfect hit every time
  •  10 Sessions per charge
  • USB-C Fast Charging charges 80% in 40 minutes
  • Customizable via bluetooth
    • Screen Colors & Brightness
    • Charge settings
    • Session Settings
    • Vibration
    • Boost Temperatures
    • and more
  • Made using PEEK – A medical-grade thermoplastic
    • Polyether ether ketone is a colorless organic thermoplastic polymer

Watch the Storz & Bickel Venty Launch Keynote

S&B “Skinny” Vape Rumors Busted

Jurgen debunked the rumored “Slim” vaporizer when asked about it. He said it was a vape concept made by someone else and pitched to S&B, but rejected and later leaked – likely by the creator. Storz & Bickel have filed patents for slim-like devices, which have also fueled rumors of an S&B concentrate device. Storz has stated they have many new SKUs coming this year, but haven’t hinted at anything beyond this current release.

New Vaporizer Teasers from Storz & Bickel

Jurgen and the team over in Germany have been slowly putting out little teasers about this new vaporizer. Perhaps the biggest tease was the profile shot that aligns when looking at all of their teaser posts together on the same page.

Storz & Bickel is set to formally announce their new vape next week, October 9 or 10.

Leaked Venty Vape Images

It’s hard to hide things on the internet. Redditor u/BrawnBeard found images of a new vaporizer in the publicly accessible product catalog and shared them to the Mighty & Crafty dedicated subreddit.

The post’s OP, u/BrawnBeard, posted additional images, all publically available due to an error on Storz & Bickel’s website.

According to these images, the new Storz & Bickel vaporizer is called the Venty and it appears to be a narrower-but-taller version of the Mighty+.

Venty Vape Leaked Images

In the first set of images we see the front profile with a display screen and up/down buttons.

These images also show that the Venty screen can display multiple colors. We see it in orange backlit, red, blue, and green. This will likely be customizable using the Storz & Bickel mobile app.

Venty Vape Front 1

Venty Vape Front 2

Venty Vape Front 3

The side images show an even slimmer profile and a lone button on the right side. The back image also shows a plain and simple backside and an old-school cell phone shape. Notice the flat bottom? This vape will stand up on its own!

Venty Vape left side

Venty Vape Back

Venty Vape Right Side with button

Top View

The Venty view from above shows off its nearly square shape! The mouthpiece still swivels open, but appears to be wider and shorter than the mouthpieces of the Mighty and Crafty. 

The open bowl appears to be slightly larger than the Mighty and Crafty bowl.

Top View Venty Vape

Venty Vape Open Bowl

USB-C Charging on the Bottom

The bottom of the Venty has USB-C charging according to these leaked renders.

Venty Vape USB-C

Venty usb-C charging

Inside the Venty Cooling Unit

The cooling unit is one of Storz & Bickel’s signature features and Venty’s cooling unit looks really interesting. It looks like a completely different design than the Mighty and Crafty.

Venty Vaporizer leaked image of the cooling unit

Storz & Bickel Venty: The Complete Package

Storz & Bickel Venty Complete

Storz & Bickel Venty with Mouthpiece Removed

The Venty is confirmed and is now available directly from Storz & Bickel, click here to check availability.

The Venty is more powerful than the Mighty and easier to carry and hold. The Mighty+ is still a great portable dry herb vaporizer, but this new device has dethroned the king. (updated Dec 13, 2023)

Update: Venty Vape is the NEW #1 Portable Dry Herb Vaporizer

Little is known about technical upgrades and performance data, but keep following my website to stay updated.

Are you upgrading to the Venty or passing this one by?

Leave a comment below and let me know if you’re planning on picking up this new vape from Storz & Bickel. You know I am!


I've been medicating with vaporizers, legally, since 2012. I started reviewing dry herb vaporizers and other cannabis products in 2015. I fell in love with creating content around vapes and cannabis vaporization. I'm passionate about the topic and the community. I love bringing people together and I love helping them understand the ins and outs of vaping weed.


  1. Al

    Thanks for taking the time to repost this for those that missed the reddit post.

    • Troy

      Thanks Al!! This vape looks great and I’m excited to try it

    • Peter Rock

      I have been vaping for 10 years…. last 5 years with the Volcano, then the Crafty+ and now the Mighty+. The Mighty+ is great….. I hope the Venty is as good as Mighty+

  2. Steve

    Hoping for a rapid on demand functionality. Digging the form factor.

    • Troy

      I’m liking the form factor as well, skinnier than the mighty, but taller.
      Faster heatup is a must IMO. On-Demand would be sick!

      • Sebastian

        What Costa the centy?

    • Louis

      I was hoping it would be a pure convection on demand device. If I did not already have the mighty plus this would be a consideration but fir now I’ll pass.

  3. Jojo

    Great sneak peak Troy! Can’t wait to see the final release.

    • Troy

      Thanks Jojo, We’ll have a watch party in the Discord, hope to see you there for the S&B Keynote on tuesday

  4. Tom

    Looks good Troy. I can’t wait to see it in action.

    • Brian

      The adjustable airflow sounds interesting. I’m curious what those rectangular accessory pieces are.

    • Troy

      Tomorrow is the big day for the announcement and mine is on its way here! WOO

    • Jason

      Came here first regarding the breaking news. I figured I’d find the best information here and I did! Troy is the Man!

      • Troy

        Thanks Jason!!

  5. Surf'n'Terps

    I got a feeling this is gonna be a mighty on steroids.

    With the 4 irange dot, maybe a magnetic lid?

    • Troy

      Mighty vape on steroids sounds perfect, haha.
      That’s a good observation about those dots! I didn’t even think about the potential for magnets there. That’d be sweet!

      • James Williams

        Theres two risers on the base when top removed. Looks to be twist style to me.

        • Troy

          Yep, the bayonet style mount is still there for sure, but it may not be the only mechanism there.

  6. James Thackray

    Will it be reasonably priced? I’m hoping £300 before Christmas and £250 after Christmas. Doesn’t have a replaceable battery by the looks of it. We need heat on demand function to keep up with the new vapes being released. It will still have the app unfortunately, the blue tooth icon is on the digital screen.
    I’m sitting on the fence for now

    • Troy

      I’m not sure on pricing, but I assume it’s going to be *more* than the Mighty+ at this point – since it seems like a Mighty upgrade.

  7. AJ

    S&B was bought out in a merger/acquisition by the Canadian Canopy Growth Corporation around 2018 or 2020. I lost all faith and trust in S&B when I understood how their new management was conducting its business. They revamped the Service Department and made it way worse when it used to be great. They released the Mighty+, which while it has some gimmicky new features actually it represents a decline in durability from the original Mighty, which is why I sold my Mighty+ and stuck with the original.

    With the Mighty+ the female USB port fries out because the cord wiggles and the wire breaks to where it makes at best an Intermittent Electrical Connection. This prevents the device from recharging, over time. S&B damn well knows about it, since I’m sure I’m not the only person who took the time to provide them with feedback on this. I expect S&B to do a money grab, release inflated-price limited editions, and still not have fixed the intermittent USB charging problem that occurs on the Mighty+. If I’m wrong, maybe I’ll switch to this new Venty in spite of the new corporate managements ineptitude.

    • Troy

      I don’t think the Canopy Growth thing has made any drastic changes at Storz. S&B is probably CG’s most profitable company.
      Thanks for sharing your issues with the charging port though, that’s actually the first i’ve heard of that getting loose.

  8. Tygerbass

    Looks cool. So many vapes, so little money. Excited to see it in action on TroyandJerry.

    • Troy

      The VAS desires and money needs are always in conflict :(
      TJ will be creating some super cool Venty content around Thanksgiving time this year ;)

  9. Kelticnomad

    I am very interested in this. The form factor seems more pocketable and that cooling unit is very interesting. Looking forward to your reviews.

    • Troy

      Thanks Kelticnomad!
      I agree that the form factor is more pocketable. I guess in some ways, or some specific use-cases, the Mighty form factor may fit certain spaces better than the taller/skinnier Venty… I can’t wait to carry them both and compare both vapes =D

      • Steve

        I have a Mighty+ that’s still got limited use on it so I won’t be buying the Venty right away. But I think it looks awesome in every way. Great review man, as usual! I look forward to seeing video reviews of people using it and see it perform.

  10. Robert

    I missed the Reddit post and couldn’t find it even after I went looking, so I’m excited someone catalogued it for future posterity. Definitely curious what S+B has in store for this device and if there’s anything not in here that we aren’t already privy to.

    • Troy

      Thanks Robert! I think the reddit post may have been taken down. I’m not sure if S&B got involved or if the reddit toxic hate parade got the thread shut down.

  11. Robert

    Thanks for posting this for posterity! I went looking for the original reddit post and couldn’t find it, so it’s cool to see what this leak compromised. Can’t wait to see what the official launch looks like!

  12. Jeff

    I have a Crafty+ and love it, especially the dosing caps, it makes cleaning a breeze. I just hope this works with the same dosing capsules. If it doesn’t use them that would be a shame.

    • Troy

      Great point Jeff. I don’t use the capsules myself, but sooo many people tell me that they love them.
      I know Storz & Bickel loves the capsules too, so I’m sure the capsules will be compatible with this new device as well.

      • MAH

        They’re NOT listed as a Venty accessory on S&B site, which they are for all of their other vapes.

        • Troy

          Oooooh interesting, I’ll confirm and update ASAP.

  13. Nick

    Thanks for the great service Troy!

    To me, the size of this new device seems to be let’s say 2/3 of a Crafty in width but taller, with a (much) shorter mouthpiece.

    Bowl appears same size too, maybe deeper? I guess it must fit the same capsules.

    Well, we’ll know in 5:30 hours

    • Troy

      Thanks Nick!! I like the size and shape more and more. It’s kinda like a taller, thicker crafty.

  14. Ronny

    Dammit! I just bought the Mighty Plus and it is being shipped right now for a Monday 10/23 delivery. I actually thought to myself before the purchase, man it looks like it took a long time before they updated the Mighty, it should be a while before anything else new arrives. Then I log on and see this news, LOL! I suppose today’s announcement will determine if I need to do an exchange or not. POTV seems to be pretty good with customer service in those situations.

    • Troy

      Hey Ronny! Congrats on the Mighty Plus still.
      The timing is certainly unfortunate, but don’t sweat it too much. The Mighty has been #1 for nearly 10 years. If the Venty is better, it just makes the Mighty+ the 2nd best portable vape available.

      Also, POTV has a wonderful customer satisfaction policy, but I think it’s only 30 days and they may not have the Venty until January 2024.

      • Bob

        POTV isnt getting any until 2024? I asked just the other day and they said they didnt know but the listing is live

      • Bob

        POTV doesn’t get them until Jan 24?? Damn. They wouldn’t even say they knew if they were getting them when I reached out yesterday,

  15. Francisco

    Hopefully on demand

    • Troy

      It will heat up and be ready to vape in 20 seconds. It’s not quite “on-demand” – but it’s probably close enough to function as one. I’ll test that tomorrow in my stream for sure, thanks!!

  16. Sam

    $450 is a big asking price, I actually just scooped my first S&B product a few weeks ago from POTV for $260, which would be a “lightly used” mighty plus. That bad boy gets me pretty smacked so I am going to wait and see what else they release because evidently they have more new products coming soon.

    Anyways, according to what Jurgen said during the keynote, it looks like this will dethrone the Mighty Plus, so that means Troy is getting one for sure.

    • Troy

      NICE! 260 is a great price for a Mighty Plus Sam! Congrats
      My Venty arrives tomorrow and I’m excited to spend the day testing =D

  17. Larra

    I’m super excited for the Venty! Price tag is around $440 – ouch! But, owning both the Mighty+ & Crafty+ totally love the S&B products.
    Also on a side note, the chamber where one puts the good stuff in, is reported to be slightly larger. So us fans of the dosing capsules will be able to use those in the new Venty.
    Happy toking all!

    • Troy

      Thanks for commenting Larra! The price hurts, but luxury often comes with a higher price tag and S&B products are at the top of their class. Plus they tend to hold their value more than most other portable dry herb vapes.
      I think the chamber looks bigger, and I hope it is! I’m not sure how that will affect dosing capsules though… I’ll be testing tomorrow for sure. Cheers!

  18. L

    Am very much looking forward to your review. Am a Mighty+ user myself, the Mighty+ very much has the ability to make me cough bad, wondering how this baby will compare.

  19. Steve

    How about that video advertisement for the Venty on the S&B website, lol? They show a dude like working on a fishing boat or something out of the Deadliest Catch who sneaks a rip while battling fierce weather and what not? Love the product, but their video ads/trailers are always so random!

  20. Ronald

    Looking forward to your testing and review on the Venty, I might just wait to hear your opinion before I either get the Mighty+ or the Venty. Currently on a OG Mighty. Keep up the good work Troy!


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  1. Al

    Thanks for taking the time to repost this for those that missed the reddit post.

    • Troy

      Thanks Al!! This vape looks great and I’m excited to try it

    • Peter Rock

      I have been vaping for 10 years…. last 5 years with the Volcano, then the Crafty+ and now the Mighty+. The Mighty+ is great….. I hope the Venty is as good as Mighty+

  2. Steve

    Hoping for a rapid on demand functionality. Digging the form factor.

    • Troy

      I’m liking the form factor as well, skinnier than the mighty, but taller.
      Faster heatup is a must IMO. On-Demand would be sick!

      • Sebastian

        What Costa the centy?

    • Louis

      I was hoping it would be a pure convection on demand device. If I did not already have the mighty plus this would be a consideration but fir now I’ll pass.

  3. Jojo

    Great sneak peak Troy! Can’t wait to see the final release.

    • Troy

      Thanks Jojo, We’ll have a watch party in the Discord, hope to see you there for the S&B Keynote on tuesday

  4. Tom

    Looks good Troy. I can’t wait to see it in action.

    • Brian

      The adjustable airflow sounds interesting. I’m curious what those rectangular accessory pieces are.

    • Troy

      Tomorrow is the big day for the announcement and mine is on its way here! WOO

    • Jason

      Came here first regarding the breaking news. I figured I’d find the best information here and I did! Troy is the Man!

      • Troy

        Thanks Jason!!

  5. Surf'n'Terps

    I got a feeling this is gonna be a mighty on steroids.

    With the 4 irange dot, maybe a magnetic lid?

    • Troy

      Mighty vape on steroids sounds perfect, haha.
      That’s a good observation about those dots! I didn’t even think about the potential for magnets there. That’d be sweet!

      • James Williams

        Theres two risers on the base when top removed. Looks to be twist style to me.

        • Troy

          Yep, the bayonet style mount is still there for sure, but it may not be the only mechanism there.

  6. James Thackray

    Will it be reasonably priced? I’m hoping £300 before Christmas and £250 after Christmas. Doesn’t have a replaceable battery by the looks of it. We need heat on demand function to keep up with the new vapes being released. It will still have the app unfortunately, the blue tooth icon is on the digital screen.
    I’m sitting on the fence for now

    • Troy

      I’m not sure on pricing, but I assume it’s going to be *more* than the Mighty+ at this point – since it seems like a Mighty upgrade.

  7. AJ

    S&B was bought out in a merger/acquisition by the Canadian Canopy Growth Corporation around 2018 or 2020. I lost all faith and trust in S&B when I understood how their new management was conducting its business. They revamped the Service Department and made it way worse when it used to be great. They released the Mighty+, which while it has some gimmicky new features actually it represents a decline in durability from the original Mighty, which is why I sold my Mighty+ and stuck with the original.

    With the Mighty+ the female USB port fries out because the cord wiggles and the wire breaks to where it makes at best an Intermittent Electrical Connection. This prevents the device from recharging, over time. S&B damn well knows about it, since I’m sure I’m not the only person who took the time to provide them with feedback on this. I expect S&B to do a money grab, release inflated-price limited editions, and still not have fixed the intermittent USB charging problem that occurs on the Mighty+. If I’m wrong, maybe I’ll switch to this new Venty in spite of the new corporate managements ineptitude.

    • Troy

      I don’t think the Canopy Growth thing has made any drastic changes at Storz. S&B is probably CG’s most profitable company.
      Thanks for sharing your issues with the charging port though, that’s actually the first i’ve heard of that getting loose.

  8. Tygerbass

    Looks cool. So many vapes, so little money. Excited to see it in action on TroyandJerry.

    • Troy

      The VAS desires and money needs are always in conflict :(
      TJ will be creating some super cool Venty content around Thanksgiving time this year ;)

  9. Kelticnomad

    I am very interested in this. The form factor seems more pocketable and that cooling unit is very interesting. Looking forward to your reviews.

    • Troy

      Thanks Kelticnomad!
      I agree that the form factor is more pocketable. I guess in some ways, or some specific use-cases, the Mighty form factor may fit certain spaces better than the taller/skinnier Venty… I can’t wait to carry them both and compare both vapes =D

      • Steve

        I have a Mighty+ that’s still got limited use on it so I won’t be buying the Venty right away. But I think it looks awesome in every way. Great review man, as usual! I look forward to seeing video reviews of people using it and see it perform.

  10. Robert

    I missed the Reddit post and couldn’t find it even after I went looking, so I’m excited someone catalogued it for future posterity. Definitely curious what S+B has in store for this device and if there’s anything not in here that we aren’t already privy to.

    • Troy

      Thanks Robert! I think the reddit post may have been taken down. I’m not sure if S&B got involved or if the reddit toxic hate parade got the thread shut down.

  11. Robert

    Thanks for posting this for posterity! I went looking for the original reddit post and couldn’t find it, so it’s cool to see what this leak compromised. Can’t wait to see what the official launch looks like!

  12. Jeff

    I have a Crafty+ and love it, especially the dosing caps, it makes cleaning a breeze. I just hope this works with the same dosing capsules. If it doesn’t use them that would be a shame.

    • Troy

      Great point Jeff. I don’t use the capsules myself, but sooo many people tell me that they love them.
      I know Storz & Bickel loves the capsules too, so I’m sure the capsules will be compatible with this new device as well.

      • MAH

        They’re NOT listed as a Venty accessory on S&B site, which they are for all of their other vapes.

        • Troy

          Oooooh interesting, I’ll confirm and update ASAP.

  13. Nick

    Thanks for the great service Troy!

    To me, the size of this new device seems to be let’s say 2/3 of a Crafty in width but taller, with a (much) shorter mouthpiece.

    Bowl appears same size too, maybe deeper? I guess it must fit the same capsules.

    Well, we’ll know in 5:30 hours

    • Troy

      Thanks Nick!! I like the size and shape more and more. It’s kinda like a taller, thicker crafty.

  14. Ronny

    Dammit! I just bought the Mighty Plus and it is being shipped right now for a Monday 10/23 delivery. I actually thought to myself before the purchase, man it looks like it took a long time before they updated the Mighty, it should be a while before anything else new arrives. Then I log on and see this news, LOL! I suppose today’s announcement will determine if I need to do an exchange or not. POTV seems to be pretty good with customer service in those situations.

    • Troy

      Hey Ronny! Congrats on the Mighty Plus still.
      The timing is certainly unfortunate, but don’t sweat it too much. The Mighty has been #1 for nearly 10 years. If the Venty is better, it just makes the Mighty+ the 2nd best portable vape available.

      Also, POTV has a wonderful customer satisfaction policy, but I think it’s only 30 days and they may not have the Venty until January 2024.

      • Bob

        POTV isnt getting any until 2024? I asked just the other day and they said they didnt know but the listing is live

      • Bob

        POTV doesn’t get them until Jan 24?? Damn. They wouldn’t even say they knew if they were getting them when I reached out yesterday,

  15. Francisco

    Hopefully on demand

    • Troy

      It will heat up and be ready to vape in 20 seconds. It’s not quite “on-demand” – but it’s probably close enough to function as one. I’ll test that tomorrow in my stream for sure, thanks!!

  16. Sam

    $450 is a big asking price, I actually just scooped my first S&B product a few weeks ago from POTV for $260, which would be a “lightly used” mighty plus. That bad boy gets me pretty smacked so I am going to wait and see what else they release because evidently they have more new products coming soon.

    Anyways, according to what Jurgen said during the keynote, it looks like this will dethrone the Mighty Plus, so that means Troy is getting one for sure.

    • Troy

      NICE! 260 is a great price for a Mighty Plus Sam! Congrats
      My Venty arrives tomorrow and I’m excited to spend the day testing =D

  17. Larra

    I’m super excited for the Venty! Price tag is around $440 – ouch! But, owning both the Mighty+ & Crafty+ totally love the S&B products.
    Also on a side note, the chamber where one puts the good stuff in, is reported to be slightly larger. So us fans of the dosing capsules will be able to use those in the new Venty.
    Happy toking all!

    • Troy

      Thanks for commenting Larra! The price hurts, but luxury often comes with a higher price tag and S&B products are at the top of their class. Plus they tend to hold their value more than most other portable dry herb vapes.
      I think the chamber looks bigger, and I hope it is! I’m not sure how that will affect dosing capsules though… I’ll be testing tomorrow for sure. Cheers!

  18. L

    Am very much looking forward to your review. Am a Mighty+ user myself, the Mighty+ very much has the ability to make me cough bad, wondering how this baby will compare.

  19. Steve

    How about that video advertisement for the Venty on the S&B website, lol? They show a dude like working on a fishing boat or something out of the Deadliest Catch who sneaks a rip while battling fierce weather and what not? Love the product, but their video ads/trailers are always so random!

  20. Ronald

    Looking forward to your testing and review on the Venty, I might just wait to hear your opinion before I either get the Mighty+ or the Venty. Currently on a OG Mighty. Keep up the good work Troy!


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