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2020 Dynavap Vapcap M – First Look (PRE ORDERS OPEN)

Pre-orders are now open for the 2020 Dynavap Vapcap M at both Puffitup and Dynavap

I’ve only had the 2020 M for about two weeks and I haven’t been allowed to talk about it until today. Dynavap worked some radical changes into this Vapcap update. After the video, I’ll outline the changes to the 2020 Vapcap M and offer a few insights on each.

Changes to the 2020 Vapcap M

Chiral Airports – This is my favorite upgrade. The 2020 M has two smaller slotted airports rather than one large round one. This is a multi-purpose upgrade! While using the 2020 M without touching the airports, the draw is tighter and more “in tune.” But placing a finger partially over the chiral airports will create an off-set intake and a vortex cooling effect!

The chiral aiports sounds like a small difference, but it feels more significant and beneficial in use.

Dimpled / Locking Vapcaps – The new 2020 M cap (the clicking part) has notches pressed into it to prevent the cap from slipping off. This is a neat upgrade, but in-use it can also be a bit of a headache. While vaping multiple bowls in a row, removing the hot cap can be a bit more challenging.

It’s possible to squeeze and shape the cap to lessen the locking effect. Non locking caps will likely remain available for sale as well.

Native 10mm tapered mouthpiece – What a great move! If you miss smoking through your bong, the new 2020M will fit natively with 10mm female glass. No further adapters needed unless you need to step down your glass.

Improved Tip Serrations – The new 2020 M Vapcap tip has sharper and deeper serrations on its open edge. These serrations are perfect for cutting and carving chunks of nug away, so you don’t even need to grind your cannabis.
The serrations also allow more airflow.

(This article is a work in progress)

The new 2020 M Packaging is Cardboard instead of plastic – more earth-friendly

You can pre-order the new 2020 M at Puffitup for $75, or directly from Dynavap.
Both are offering the same price, same special promotions, and the same shipping.

Win a 2020 M!

Would you rather win the new 2020 Vapcap M? Puffitup has you covered! Leave a comment below letting us know which Dynavap Vapcap vaporizer is your favorite so far. We’ll pick a winner next week and your 2020 M will be taken care of! Thanks, Puffitup!!



I've been medicating with vaporizers, legally, since 2012. I started reviewing dry herb vaporizers and other cannabis products in 2015. I fell in love with creating content around vapes and cannabis vaporization. I'm passionate about the topic and the community. I love bringing people together and I love helping them understand the ins and outs of vaping weed.


  1. gv

    I’m a fan of the 2nd gen nonavong with a dynacoil.

    • Adam

      My favorite is the 2019 M paired with a stem I made from a block provided by great and powerful dynavap. F*#k combustion that is all

  2. Jeremy Wisniewski

    I’d have to say my favorite is my first and only so far – the standard 2018 M. I picked it up cheap when the ’19s were the current model because it’s my first vape. I fell in love with it so quickly – it really is amazing how efficient these little devices are!

  3. Jacob Ginn

    So far, my favorite vap cap vaporizer has been my modified M with titanium stem and spinning mouth piece. I like the looks, the control you get with a normal air-port compared to an omni and how easy it is to heat with the spinning mouth piece :) all vap caps are great tho! And I should also mention that I’ve also been enjoying my bb9 stem for my bong

  4. lanny steele

    love the vids. like just hangin out with a friend you are the reason i found dynavap and i love them.. they have become my daily driver.. my fav is the makers kit i made for my son .. for my personal use its a toss up between my hydravong or vortex

  5. Weston

    Never tried a dynavap but the 2020 M might be the start. Really dig the native 10mm tip love vaping through glass! Thanks for the review Troy!

  6. Dan

    Hydravong xls

  7. SeshNCreate

    Great stuff as always! New 2020 M is looking good.

  8. Jacob Hajakian

    I love my 2019 M but I would surely love a 2020 M so I can give mine to a friend.

  9. P

    The M due to its simplicity and ease of use, along with its similarity to the smoking ritual!

    • P

      sorry XP

  10. Jon Maxwell

    This looks awesome. I always liked the original Vapcap M. I have never owned one yet but have used a friends and always love the smooth hits.

  11. Albert

    I love the modular capabilities of the Vapcaps. My favorite configuration is the titanium tip, with the low temp cap, through Ed’s TNT WPA and a water piece. All heated with an induction heater. So much customization to personal preference!

  12. Greg Kaufmann

    I love the OmniVap XL the most so far….

  13. William Haddix

    I love the titanium tip, low temp cap and BB9 stem!

  14. G Money Jones

    My favorite is my Omnivong Hydra XL, in a water piece. With the induction heater it’s a real premium experience =)

  15. dudemanbro

    I don’t have a favorite yet since I don’t have a Dynavap Vapcap, but I have been eyeing one for several months!

  16. Lance

    My favorite Vapcap is the 2020 M. I’m just getting into the dynaverse and this thing looks amazing!

  17. DD

    My favorite i think has to be my first vapcap. The og M. I think it had the price that was unbeatable at a time and still is. I owned every M since then and converted a lot of people. For someone who doesn’t know anything about vapes, vapcap is something that can be easily understood and used.

  18. DJ

    Love the no BS review. You’ve raised my hopes with your comment on improved airflow. Honestly those divots have me concerned after the 19M mess. I actually no longer own a complete dynavap. At home my go to is 19 botched tip, wpa, sake bottle. On the go is a 17 tip in a shorty vortex. The 17 tip is my favorite, but let’s see if the airflow is really improved.

  19. GumGum

    Omni XL, carb free is the way to be

  20. James

    I’m loving my 2019 m. Good airflow. Great price. My favorite is to pair the tip n cap with a non carb wood stem, yeah baby!

  21. Mitch

    My daily driver is the 2019 M body with a Ti tip for flower and SS tip with the Dynacoil.

    I keep seeing a blue 2020 M in the promos, so I’m excited to see what colors they’re coming out with!

  22. Wil

    Stoked for the 2020 M!

    My favorite Vapcap is the standard Omnivap with a spinning mouthpiece. Adjust-a-bowl is such a dope feature for a portable vape. Can’t wait to try the new tip with my induction heater!

  23. Chris Flanders

    I like the OmniVong XL as my favorite dynavap.

  24. Dutch-Mic

    I love the 19M with a triple torch for outside use and a titanium tip plus a low temp cap for indoor use and microdosing. My favourite vaporizer together with the Dreamwood Glow 18/Dobby/Punch!

  25. CM

    Cheers man!!

  26. Angel Mendoza

    My favorite is my 2019 M. Is my 1st and only vape. Love it.

  27. mark alexander

    I really like the simrel vortex but would try the 2020 for improved airflow

  28. K.

    I think the new 2020 is my favorite, each new version had neat innovations.

  29. Snir

    My favourite cap is 2018M with a ti tip in a water pipe
    I own it for almost 2 years and it’s still my daily driver .

  30. Omar Ariad

    I have the 2019 m and the hydravong i cant choose between either one so i take turns switching love them both

  31. SeeD

    I’m going to have to say the Stainless Steel 2018 M. Going beyond the click with stainless steel has a lesser chance of combusting than on the Titanium version.

  32. Hidinginmyowncountry

    So far my favorite vapcap was my nonavong. No mp to limit what 14mm joints were deep enough. Used it to quit smoking. Daily driver since the 2018m was the new hotness. Super light with the ti tip and much easier to spin than an m even though they’re the same length.

  33. matt wedgeworth

    Omni xl by far as been my favorite but at the moment I’m working on carving out a tiki from the makers kit and I’m sure whenever I actually finish it that’ll take the cake

  34. AstrovanJesus

    My favorite setup so far has been my titanium tip with a Simrell Vortex stem, it absolutely rips!

  35. GiaPune

    My favorite vapcap is the titanium tip+ vortex stem by the Simrell Collection.

  36. MC

    Far and away my Omnivap XL is my favorite VapCap for on the go. I tend to use my Hydravong with glass. The adjustable SS tip on the new M is intriguing because I micro dose. Pairing it with my BB9 would be sweet.

  37. Matthew Z

    I like the 2019 best so far, but will be making an order soon for the 2020.

  38. Jason

    I’ve been using the 2019 M and it has absolutely blown my mind and changed the way I use herb. I am super excited to try out the 2020 version :)

    • Bev Campbell

      I’ve never owned a Vapcap, but I’ve wanted one for a while. It’s even more enticing now I’ve just realised that Ghost have gone out of business. Dynavap seem such a good company that I doubt they will ever fold!

  39. Willow A.

    I’ve only owned a 2018 m but I absolutely love it and this new one looks amazing!

  40. Detour

    I’ve only used/owned the 2019 M, and I love it. I was planning on getting a ti tip, low temp cap, and bb9 stem for 420 this year, but now am seriously considering the ‘20M instead. Quite the conundrum ;-)

  41. Michael D Gloeckler

    I own the 2018 M shadow, it’s good, but looking for a new one. Looking for induction heater too so I can give to parents and they have bad arthritis. They hate butane but figured heater might work best for them.

  42. Wiilliam B Hughes

    I cant wait to get one the M was my first vape and i love it, thanx dynavap and Troy for getting me into it…………..

  43. TK

    Personally have the OmniXl. Love the way it hits, but from watching your videos the ritual and the vapor experience are mostly the same between the dynavaps. What’s really cool that I love about dynavap is the modularity, not only with parts and whatnot, but the modularity with situations and people and experience levels. I think it’s a great transition for previous combusters (like you’ve said in your vids Troy), can give small microdosing, in-between almost session-esque style experiences or a hard one hitting vapor experience. There’s another facet to that modularity aspect, when they released the builders kit, I saw it (not live but) on the modern cannabists stream and immediately connected with what George and you guys were talking about. The first step of the dynavap platform really not only allowed but encouraged open sourcing and third party designs, where we got different stems and combinations and beautiful creations like Austyn’s vortex, which I believe is an integral part of dynavaps initial design. But then we have The dynavap crew taking a second and more direct approach to this spur of creativity and imagination, creation in the vaporization sphere in terms of getting to create your own dynavap straight up. When I saw that, I thought of my uncle who would love it and plan to buy it for him as a retirement gift.

  44. bing

    New M looks more sterile, almost like they’ve moved slightly away from sleek, and more toward industrial, which is an interesting choice in marketing terms.. I wonder if that particular design might appeal more to the male crowd than the female? I am looking forward to hearing what you think of the chiral airports in a follow up review.

    P.S. I hate the new packaging… I can appreciate the biodegradablity, but I prefer the tube all day long.

  45. Jack

    Only recently got the 2018 m and loving it so far.

  46. Paul B.

    Thank you for this review Troy ! I almost lost it when you shook the M @15:05, I thought it would fall off and spread a rain of abv’s everywhere in your room :D
    I’m gonna try my luck and say my favorite is gonna be this 2020 M since I don’t own any VapCap yet :) It sure looks delicious.
    Thanks Troy and Puffitup !

  47. Anthony M.

    I’m new to vaping. watching your videos is what convinced me to get my first herb vape last week (Xmax Starry). I remember it was a video showing the best performing budget vapes. Once you got to the Vapcap M I was blown away by it’s performance and ease of use. I would love to start off my Dynavap collection with the 2020 M. I love how pocketable and discrete the M models are for on the go vaping!

  48. Brian H

    I like my 2018m the most as it was my first dynavap.

  49. Robert G

    I only have the 2019M :/

  50. Nicholas Sin

    My 2019m tried and true. One of my favorite vaporizers to use in general.

  51. miranda

    I’m hoping the 2020 M will be my first vape! Thanks for the review!

  52. Malcolm Rachal

    I have the 2018M,and it’s nice,I would like to win the 2020M,to compare them

  53. Z

    I’ve never tried a Dynavap from before. The 2020 M seems like a very interesting starter vape.

  54. allen

    Just got a 2019m a few weeks ago. I can pass this one on!

  55. Spencer DJ

    My 2019 M is my one and only dry herb vape and I love it. For something so simple, it’s extremely versatile, and works extremely well.

  56. PeterP

    Glass OG is a favorite of mine

  57. Jeff

    Like most of my vape purchases, I usually wait until it seems like the right time to buy due to innovations in the product. I will likely purchase this unit as it has definitely become a “mature” product according to Sneaky Pete… Cheers!

  58. Sive

    Unfortunately don’t have a favourite vape yet as I’m only trying to convert from combustion now. Would love to make the transition. Dynavap looks great and so are your videos!

  59. TB

    It’s my ’19 M PhantoM. To be honest I haven’t tried a lot of other options because it does everything I want perfectly and the gray finish is the dog’s danglies.

  60. JB Ziegler

    Love to have the new Dynavap. The 19 is fine…the 2020 is the perfect unit with the new modifications. Thx in advance. JB

  61. Simon McKenzie

    I love the original M so many accessories and glass it can work with. But my mighty is still better for those group sessions.

  62. Leonard von Hagen

    i enjoy my regular voretx the most, especially attached to a small bubbler

  63. Wil

    I must unfortunately say I’m not too happy with this video. I have enjoyed the honest approach thus far, but here I get the feeling that the raw honest approach is – not vaporized – but held back… (maybe like the density of the 2020…?) Why go three clicks before the first hit? Why not show us the density of the vapor after the two clicks? Why not wait for the cool down click before heating up again? Why bring out the torch and go “almost combustion”…? And not the least: why not make a direct compare with m 2019 with the same amount of clicks? 18 minutes video is enough time for that, and more important for us who are deciding to order the 2019 OR the 2020, rather than spending time showing the obvious information we already can get from Dynavap. The talk about “I’ve only had it for two weeks”, “I’m waiting for George to show some tricks”, sounds a bit defensive. I’ve enjoyed your videos so far, and hope you’ll balance the act of not pissing off your favorite brands and keeping it real for your viewers. Peace

    • Troy R

      I appreciate you taking the time to type all that, but the reason I don’t go into crazy detail trying to compare is because it’d be ridiculous and completely non-scientific. I’m using the 2020M the way I use vapcaps, which is 3 seconds passed the click and taking it close to combustion.
      The vape works the same way as last year’s vapcap – I’m not going to dive into a deep comparison just for comparison sake.

  64. Willy Mc

    I like the new vapcap M, has to be my favourate to look at atm, I have to get one, im combusting still as i cant find that vape that gives me enough, I’m from the uk and i smoke ‘shotties’ all day, google it to find out what they are, its similar to a bong but no bowl on the tube and you load it inside the tube semi tight a ball of tobacco then you press weed into the end of that tube, light it and pull it into the bottle of water when you rip it. Anyway im trying to stop combusting but I just havent found the right vape thats getting me away from the shottie, but i keep trying… Dynavap is next on my list. Will

  65. Flo

    I love my M 2018 and i want to get the M 2019 Rosium, so if i would win I would be up to date with the M2020 because fuckcombustion!
    I love to have DYNAVAP in my set as i love your vids Troy.
    Stay vaped because you make the world a lil netter.
    Greetings from Germany


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  1. gv

    I’m a fan of the 2nd gen nonavong with a dynacoil.

    • Adam

      My favorite is the 2019 M paired with a stem I made from a block provided by great and powerful dynavap. F*#k combustion that is all

  2. Jeremy Wisniewski

    I’d have to say my favorite is my first and only so far – the standard 2018 M. I picked it up cheap when the ’19s were the current model because it’s my first vape. I fell in love with it so quickly – it really is amazing how efficient these little devices are!

  3. Jacob Ginn

    So far, my favorite vap cap vaporizer has been my modified M with titanium stem and spinning mouth piece. I like the looks, the control you get with a normal air-port compared to an omni and how easy it is to heat with the spinning mouth piece :) all vap caps are great tho! And I should also mention that I’ve also been enjoying my bb9 stem for my bong

  4. lanny steele

    love the vids. like just hangin out with a friend you are the reason i found dynavap and i love them.. they have become my daily driver.. my fav is the makers kit i made for my son .. for my personal use its a toss up between my hydravong or vortex

  5. Weston

    Never tried a dynavap but the 2020 M might be the start. Really dig the native 10mm tip love vaping through glass! Thanks for the review Troy!

  6. Dan

    Hydravong xls

  7. SeshNCreate

    Great stuff as always! New 2020 M is looking good.

  8. Jacob Hajakian

    I love my 2019 M but I would surely love a 2020 M so I can give mine to a friend.

  9. P

    The M due to its simplicity and ease of use, along with its similarity to the smoking ritual!

    • P

      sorry XP

  10. Jon Maxwell

    This looks awesome. I always liked the original Vapcap M. I have never owned one yet but have used a friends and always love the smooth hits.

  11. Albert

    I love the modular capabilities of the Vapcaps. My favorite configuration is the titanium tip, with the low temp cap, through Ed’s TNT WPA and a water piece. All heated with an induction heater. So much customization to personal preference!

  12. Greg Kaufmann

    I love the OmniVap XL the most so far….

  13. William Haddix

    I love the titanium tip, low temp cap and BB9 stem!

  14. G Money Jones

    My favorite is my Omnivong Hydra XL, in a water piece. With the induction heater it’s a real premium experience =)

  15. dudemanbro

    I don’t have a favorite yet since I don’t have a Dynavap Vapcap, but I have been eyeing one for several months!

  16. Lance

    My favorite Vapcap is the 2020 M. I’m just getting into the dynaverse and this thing looks amazing!

  17. DD

    My favorite i think has to be my first vapcap. The og M. I think it had the price that was unbeatable at a time and still is. I owned every M since then and converted a lot of people. For someone who doesn’t know anything about vapes, vapcap is something that can be easily understood and used.

  18. DJ

    Love the no BS review. You’ve raised my hopes with your comment on improved airflow. Honestly those divots have me concerned after the 19M mess. I actually no longer own a complete dynavap. At home my go to is 19 botched tip, wpa, sake bottle. On the go is a 17 tip in a shorty vortex. The 17 tip is my favorite, but let’s see if the airflow is really improved.

  19. GumGum

    Omni XL, carb free is the way to be

  20. James

    I’m loving my 2019 m. Good airflow. Great price. My favorite is to pair the tip n cap with a non carb wood stem, yeah baby!

  21. Mitch

    My daily driver is the 2019 M body with a Ti tip for flower and SS tip with the Dynacoil.

    I keep seeing a blue 2020 M in the promos, so I’m excited to see what colors they’re coming out with!

  22. Wil

    Stoked for the 2020 M!

    My favorite Vapcap is the standard Omnivap with a spinning mouthpiece. Adjust-a-bowl is such a dope feature for a portable vape. Can’t wait to try the new tip with my induction heater!

  23. Chris Flanders

    I like the OmniVong XL as my favorite dynavap.

  24. Dutch-Mic

    I love the 19M with a triple torch for outside use and a titanium tip plus a low temp cap for indoor use and microdosing. My favourite vaporizer together with the Dreamwood Glow 18/Dobby/Punch!

  25. CM

    Cheers man!!

  26. Angel Mendoza

    My favorite is my 2019 M. Is my 1st and only vape. Love it.

  27. mark alexander

    I really like the simrel vortex but would try the 2020 for improved airflow

  28. K.

    I think the new 2020 is my favorite, each new version had neat innovations.

  29. Snir

    My favourite cap is 2018M with a ti tip in a water pipe
    I own it for almost 2 years and it’s still my daily driver .

  30. Omar Ariad

    I have the 2019 m and the hydravong i cant choose between either one so i take turns switching love them both

  31. SeeD

    I’m going to have to say the Stainless Steel 2018 M. Going beyond the click with stainless steel has a lesser chance of combusting than on the Titanium version.

  32. Hidinginmyowncountry

    So far my favorite vapcap was my nonavong. No mp to limit what 14mm joints were deep enough. Used it to quit smoking. Daily driver since the 2018m was the new hotness. Super light with the ti tip and much easier to spin than an m even though they’re the same length.

  33. matt wedgeworth

    Omni xl by far as been my favorite but at the moment I’m working on carving out a tiki from the makers kit and I’m sure whenever I actually finish it that’ll take the cake

  34. AstrovanJesus

    My favorite setup so far has been my titanium tip with a Simrell Vortex stem, it absolutely rips!

  35. GiaPune

    My favorite vapcap is the titanium tip+ vortex stem by the Simrell Collection.

  36. MC

    Far and away my Omnivap XL is my favorite VapCap for on the go. I tend to use my Hydravong with glass. The adjustable SS tip on the new M is intriguing because I micro dose. Pairing it with my BB9 would be sweet.

  37. Matthew Z

    I like the 2019 best so far, but will be making an order soon for the 2020.

  38. Jason

    I’ve been using the 2019 M and it has absolutely blown my mind and changed the way I use herb. I am super excited to try out the 2020 version :)

    • Bev Campbell

      I’ve never owned a Vapcap, but I’ve wanted one for a while. It’s even more enticing now I’ve just realised that Ghost have gone out of business. Dynavap seem such a good company that I doubt they will ever fold!

  39. Willow A.

    I’ve only owned a 2018 m but I absolutely love it and this new one looks amazing!

  40. Detour

    I’ve only used/owned the 2019 M, and I love it. I was planning on getting a ti tip, low temp cap, and bb9 stem for 420 this year, but now am seriously considering the ‘20M instead. Quite the conundrum ;-)

  41. Michael D Gloeckler

    I own the 2018 M shadow, it’s good, but looking for a new one. Looking for induction heater too so I can give to parents and they have bad arthritis. They hate butane but figured heater might work best for them.

  42. Wiilliam B Hughes

    I cant wait to get one the M was my first vape and i love it, thanx dynavap and Troy for getting me into it…………..

  43. TK

    Personally have the OmniXl. Love the way it hits, but from watching your videos the ritual and the vapor experience are mostly the same between the dynavaps. What’s really cool that I love about dynavap is the modularity, not only with parts and whatnot, but the modularity with situations and people and experience levels. I think it’s a great transition for previous combusters (like you’ve said in your vids Troy), can give small microdosing, in-between almost session-esque style experiences or a hard one hitting vapor experience. There’s another facet to that modularity aspect, when they released the builders kit, I saw it (not live but) on the modern cannabists stream and immediately connected with what George and you guys were talking about. The first step of the dynavap platform really not only allowed but encouraged open sourcing and third party designs, where we got different stems and combinations and beautiful creations like Austyn’s vortex, which I believe is an integral part of dynavaps initial design. But then we have The dynavap crew taking a second and more direct approach to this spur of creativity and imagination, creation in the vaporization sphere in terms of getting to create your own dynavap straight up. When I saw that, I thought of my uncle who would love it and plan to buy it for him as a retirement gift.

  44. bing

    New M looks more sterile, almost like they’ve moved slightly away from sleek, and more toward industrial, which is an interesting choice in marketing terms.. I wonder if that particular design might appeal more to the male crowd than the female? I am looking forward to hearing what you think of the chiral airports in a follow up review.

    P.S. I hate the new packaging… I can appreciate the biodegradablity, but I prefer the tube all day long.

  45. Jack

    Only recently got the 2018 m and loving it so far.

  46. Paul B.

    Thank you for this review Troy ! I almost lost it when you shook the M @15:05, I thought it would fall off and spread a rain of abv’s everywhere in your room :D
    I’m gonna try my luck and say my favorite is gonna be this 2020 M since I don’t own any VapCap yet :) It sure looks delicious.
    Thanks Troy and Puffitup !

  47. Anthony M.

    I’m new to vaping. watching your videos is what convinced me to get my first herb vape last week (Xmax Starry). I remember it was a video showing the best performing budget vapes. Once you got to the Vapcap M I was blown away by it’s performance and ease of use. I would love to start off my Dynavap collection with the 2020 M. I love how pocketable and discrete the M models are for on the go vaping!

  48. Brian H

    I like my 2018m the most as it was my first dynavap.

  49. Robert G

    I only have the 2019M :/

  50. Nicholas Sin

    My 2019m tried and true. One of my favorite vaporizers to use in general.

  51. miranda

    I’m hoping the 2020 M will be my first vape! Thanks for the review!

  52. Malcolm Rachal

    I have the 2018M,and it’s nice,I would like to win the 2020M,to compare them

  53. Z

    I’ve never tried a Dynavap from before. The 2020 M seems like a very interesting starter vape.

  54. allen

    Just got a 2019m a few weeks ago. I can pass this one on!

  55. Spencer DJ

    My 2019 M is my one and only dry herb vape and I love it. For something so simple, it’s extremely versatile, and works extremely well.

  56. PeterP

    Glass OG is a favorite of mine

  57. Jeff

    Like most of my vape purchases, I usually wait until it seems like the right time to buy due to innovations in the product. I will likely purchase this unit as it has definitely become a “mature” product according to Sneaky Pete… Cheers!

  58. Sive

    Unfortunately don’t have a favourite vape yet as I’m only trying to convert from combustion now. Would love to make the transition. Dynavap looks great and so are your videos!

  59. TB

    It’s my ’19 M PhantoM. To be honest I haven’t tried a lot of other options because it does everything I want perfectly and the gray finish is the dog’s danglies.

  60. JB Ziegler

    Love to have the new Dynavap. The 19 is fine…the 2020 is the perfect unit with the new modifications. Thx in advance. JB

  61. Simon McKenzie

    I love the original M so many accessories and glass it can work with. But my mighty is still better for those group sessions.

  62. Leonard von Hagen

    i enjoy my regular voretx the most, especially attached to a small bubbler

  63. Wil

    I must unfortunately say I’m not too happy with this video. I have enjoyed the honest approach thus far, but here I get the feeling that the raw honest approach is – not vaporized – but held back… (maybe like the density of the 2020…?) Why go three clicks before the first hit? Why not show us the density of the vapor after the two clicks? Why not wait for the cool down click before heating up again? Why bring out the torch and go “almost combustion”…? And not the least: why not make a direct compare with m 2019 with the same amount of clicks? 18 minutes video is enough time for that, and more important for us who are deciding to order the 2019 OR the 2020, rather than spending time showing the obvious information we already can get from Dynavap. The talk about “I’ve only had it for two weeks”, “I’m waiting for George to show some tricks”, sounds a bit defensive. I’ve enjoyed your videos so far, and hope you’ll balance the act of not pissing off your favorite brands and keeping it real for your viewers. Peace

    • Troy R

      I appreciate you taking the time to type all that, but the reason I don’t go into crazy detail trying to compare is because it’d be ridiculous and completely non-scientific. I’m using the 2020M the way I use vapcaps, which is 3 seconds passed the click and taking it close to combustion.
      The vape works the same way as last year’s vapcap – I’m not going to dive into a deep comparison just for comparison sake.

  64. Willy Mc

    I like the new vapcap M, has to be my favourate to look at atm, I have to get one, im combusting still as i cant find that vape that gives me enough, I’m from the uk and i smoke ‘shotties’ all day, google it to find out what they are, its similar to a bong but no bowl on the tube and you load it inside the tube semi tight a ball of tobacco then you press weed into the end of that tube, light it and pull it into the bottle of water when you rip it. Anyway im trying to stop combusting but I just havent found the right vape thats getting me away from the shottie, but i keep trying… Dynavap is next on my list. Will

  65. Flo

    I love my M 2018 and i want to get the M 2019 Rosium, so if i would win I would be up to date with the M2020 because fuckcombustion!
    I love to have DYNAVAP in my set as i love your vids Troy.
    Stay vaped because you make the world a lil netter.
    Greetings from Germany


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