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2023 Dynavap M Plus / M+ Review

I’m going to be straight with you. I’ve had the 2023 M+ in my hands for about 3 months and for the first 2.5 months I was using it like any other Dynavap – and it was fine.

But then I met with George and he explained how the 2023 Dynavap M+ is designed for potential one-heat-cycle extractions.

Hitting the M+ with a fresh perspective and a new heating technique made it perform in ways the Dynavap has not typically performed. It can hit more like an Anvil or a Danvivape, or even an FMJ. The M Plus tip is LEGIT.

Troy from 420vapezone

$89 Dynavap M Plus

The M+ brings a lot of changes that make it better than the standard Dynavap M. Better extraction, better vapor, and better interface. Pick one up directly from Dynavap and use my code to save 10%.

Dynavap M Plus – One Heatup to VAPE IT ALL

Dynavap M+ Tip is thermally optimized for one-heat-up extractions

The one-heat-up extraction is exactly as it sounds. You heat up your Dynavap once and vape the entire bowl from that single heat-up. In years passed the one-heat extraction took skills and technique. Accessories like the FMJ and the Armored Cap add thermal mass to the cap to extend the heating of the Dynavap tip and achieve the one-heat extraction.

The Dynavap M+ Tip doesn’t need any special cap or thermal add-on accessories. The tip itself has been thermally optimized and designed

Single heat-up extractions have always been possible in *any* Dynavap tip, but the M+ tip has actually been designed and optimized for it.

Introducing the 2023 Dynavap Vapcap M+

Dynavap stopped chasing the yearly iterations in 2021 and 2023 is the first significant update we’ve seen since. The all-stainless steel Dynavap M is the brand’s flagship vaporizer and has been considered one of the best portable vaporizers since 2017.

2023 Dynavap M+ Vaporizer

The 2023 M+ has a unique metallic surface that looks and feels like tree bark. In the Troy and Jerry interview, George talked about how this special surface is hard to replicate and requires special tooling.

Square Airport

We’ve seen every other geometric variation of the airport at this point and pretty much figured out that the shape doesn’t matter very much.  The 2023 M+ features a square airport that’s easy to find and easy to close.

2023 Dynavap M+ has a square airport

Square Airport vs Square Carb

Semantics, right? Airports allow fresh air in. Carbs allow vapor accumulated within to be cleared.

Technically this is an airport because the body of the stem doesn’t fill with vapor.

The side opposite of the airport features a square bump

Dynavap 2023 M+ Square Rocker

The “Rocker” was introduced in 2019 as a ‘feeling’ feature to make finding the airport easy – even for the blind. The Dynavap M “Rocker” has evolved over the years and the M+ Rocker is square – to match the airport. There’s even a hidden “M” in the machine marks around the flat margin of the bumpy rocker.

I don’t think it’s particularly easier to find than past Dynavap Ms, but M+ is definitely not harder!

Let’s Focus on THE TIP

Dynavap M iterations of the past were subtle progressions, with minor performance changes and micro-adjustments. The 2023 M+ tip is the first finless full bowl tip Dynavap has released. The finless B tip was the first finless, but the B is only a half-sized bowl.

Several Dynavap B advancements have made their way over to the M+, including an improved O-ring design. The M+ tip now has 2 silicon O-rings instead of 3, and the tip is designed so no O-rings are visible while the tip is installed!

Less Mass, More Optimized, 12% Bigger Bowl

Dynavap has somehow made this their lightest Stainless Steel tip, while also maximizing the thermal mass around the bowl. The bowl is *deeper* than previous  tips and the 2023 Dynavap M+ has an increased bowl capacity of 12%

If you have questions, leave a comment and I’ll answer as I’m updating!

Dynavap M+ tip compared to Dynavap B tip

2023 M+ on the left, Dynavap B on the right. Stainless steel mass has been aggressively cut from the lower half and strategically left in the upper half.

Dynavap M+ tip installed shows no visible O-rings

I love that there are no visible O-rings while the tip is installed.  There’s also very little metal-to-metal contact with the stem to minimize heat  transfer to the stem.

The M+ Tip has a slightly larger bowl area than previous Dynavap tips

The M+ tip has a 12% larger bowl than the previous tips. There is a half-bowl setting where the CCD can be set halfway up to reduce the chamber size.

Dynavap M+ Single Heatup Torching Method

The M+ tip has been designed to vaporize everything on the first heat-up. Most of the metal mass is surrounding the bowl and instead of cooling fins, the tip has a smooth dedicated area for heating.

Rotating while heating is no longer required

When you torch the lower half of the tip you no longer have to rotate as you heat to avoid combustion. Heat pumps into the tip and is quickly distributed around the bowl and through the rest of the tip.

You can still heat the upper and middle section of the tip and cap in the traditional way, but you may want to rotate to make it vape evenly.

Torching the 2023 Dynavap M+ for single cycle extraction

Does the M+ Compete with the FMJ, Anvil, Danivape, etc

An entire genre of Dyna-like vaporizers has blossomed around the evolving needs of cannabis users. Add-on accessories like the FMJ disrupted the conventional heating rituals of the Dynaverse and opened our eyes to harder-hitting vapor with less learning. 

The M+ tip is easier to use and it satisfies the needs of users who expect more. 

Using a standard Dynavap cap and the updated heating technique, the M+ delivers vapor and a vaping experience closer to the Anvil or the FMJ. 

Is it the same? Nah. But it’s similar enough while keeping it simple. I haven’t found the desire to even use the new Armored cap with the M+ tip.

M+ Best Tip EVAR?

Dynavap enthusiasts love to fight over their favorite tips and I’m not looking to start any wars – but I think this is the best tip Dynavap has ever made.

This tip has changed the way I use my Dynavaps while improving and reducing the amount of cannabis I use.

I’m excited to see how this tip changes the way the Dynaverse works.

Get the 2023 M+

The $89 Dynavap M+ is one of my favorite vapes and is at the top of my list of best portable vaporizers. This is a great way to vape dry herb cannabis.

More Dynavap Reviews

Dynavap has a full line of portable vapes and the M+ is only scratching the surface of the Dynaverse. Learn more about Dynavap vaporizers.

Need to get *higher*?

There exists a new technology.
…extracts more.
…extracts faster.
…tastes better and gets you higher.



I've been medicating with vaporizers, legally, since 2012. I started reviewing dry herb vaporizers and other cannabis products in 2015. I fell in love with creating content around vapes and cannabis vaporization. I'm passionate about the topic and the community. I love bringing people together and I love helping them understand the ins and outs of vaping weed.


  1. Joseph Nowicki

    When will it be released to the public?

    • 420vapezone

      I believe it goes on sale on the 19th, but I am waiting confirmation on that.

  2. Trevor

    Cool :) Love the idea of one heat extraction. Settled on dry herb vaping for health but sometimes you don’t have time for a long session and just want to get the job done

  3. mason gingras

    Can you or have you vaped hash using a dynavape. I have an 2021 M and wanted to try to vape some hash. Real hash I mean aka temple balls.

    • Micky Oneshoe

      I put co2 hash and scissor hash in all of my dynavaps. I tend to go 3 or 4 seconds past the click.

  4. Majon

    Is the tip compatible with other DynaVap and if so, will the tip be sold separately?

  5. Pit

    you say: “This tip has changed the way I use my Dynavaps while improving and reducing the amount of cannabis I use.”

    but i cannot understand: shouldn’t the bigger bowl make you consume more material?

    The only thing that’s keeping me from upgrading to M+ is that “bigger bowl” feature,
    before the M+ announce i was thinking about upgrading to an Omni just to have 2 levels of “adjsut a bowl” feature and going deeper in microdosing.

    is there something that i am missing about this? (you know, 420 has come and that’s the right time to make a choice)


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  1. Joseph Nowicki

    When will it be released to the public?

    • 420vapezone

      I believe it goes on sale on the 19th, but I am waiting confirmation on that.

  2. Trevor

    Cool :) Love the idea of one heat extraction. Settled on dry herb vaping for health but sometimes you don’t have time for a long session and just want to get the job done

  3. mason gingras

    Can you or have you vaped hash using a dynavape. I have an 2021 M and wanted to try to vape some hash. Real hash I mean aka temple balls.

    • Micky Oneshoe

      I put co2 hash and scissor hash in all of my dynavaps. I tend to go 3 or 4 seconds past the click.

  4. Majon

    Is the tip compatible with other DynaVap and if so, will the tip be sold separately?

  5. Pit

    you say: “This tip has changed the way I use my Dynavaps while improving and reducing the amount of cannabis I use.”

    but i cannot understand: shouldn’t the bigger bowl make you consume more material?

    The only thing that’s keeping me from upgrading to M+ is that “bigger bowl” feature,
    before the M+ announce i was thinking about upgrading to an Omni just to have 2 levels of “adjsut a bowl” feature and going deeper in microdosing.

    is there something that i am missing about this? (you know, 420 has come and that’s the right time to make a choice)


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