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Dry Herb Atomizer ROUNDUP: ALL 510 Dry Herb Tanks Compared

Box mods have taken vaping and vapes to the next level. If you already own a box mod battery you’re already halfway to a quality dry herb vaporizer!

These dry herb atomizers are the best way to vaporize weed / dry herb with your box mod. I still prefer standalone dry herb portable vaporizers overall, but some people only have a box mod. There are several low-quality attachments and vape tanks intentionally left off this list.

Dry herb tanks have existed for many years, but have only recently hit a quality threshold worth wasting money on.

If the dry herb atomizer you’re looking at isn’t on this list – it’s probably a piece of shit or just not ‘readily available enough’ to be on a list like this.

Dry Herb Atomizers

The two best dry herb atomizers available are the Stempod and the Splinter. Both are very different than the typical dry herb tank. The Stempod, from Modpod Labs, and the Splinter, from RBT Engineering, are both convection vaporizers. While other dry herb tanks simply heat your weed until it starts producing vapor, these two dry herb atomizers use the 510 power to create a convection vaporizer which produces more vapor and a much nicer experience. They’re also MUCH faster than the other herb tanks.
[pt_view id=”f829fb6qcb”]

Honorable Mention to the Tubox from lamart. The Tubox uses the same coil-based convection heater as the Tubo Evic, but comes as a single 510 heater on a leash instead of as a handheld device.

The Tubox isn’t quite the same format as the usual Dry herb atomizers, but it outperforms many of today’s modern dry herb vapes.

I don’t own a Tubox to compare, but it’s literally the same heater and can be controlled by the same mod so it’s essentially a Tubo Evic – which is one of the best handheld dry herb vaporizers around.

The TUBOx has a 6 week wait time and will set you back $128.

Other Dry Herb Vape Tanks
There are other dry herb atomizers for box mods, but I much prefer the Stempod and Splinter over the rest of the list. The three vapes listed above are pure convection and give the user full control of the vapor experience. The vapes below sacrifice agility, vapor experience, and build quality for a lower price.

Divine Crossing – Rebuildable Dry Herb Atomizer

This dry herb tank uses a ceramic heating element to heat the bowl and air intake. It looks sexy and comes from a brand I trust, but the performance just isn’t what I would expect from a dry herb vape. The vapor starts coming around on the 4th hit. A better vape will have the bowl fully extracted by then. The DC dry herb 510 atomizer is available for $39. I’d still buy this before anything below.

mig vapor dry herb atomizer in glass and black dome

Mig Vapor Sub-Herb Atomizer

The Mig Vapor Herb atomizer is a makeshift radiant/conduction vaporizer for dry herb and cannabis. It slips on to any 510 thread and powers up with 20-50 watts of power. The Black Sub Herb Atomizer produces vapor in about 10 seconds, and that’s the end of the positive list. The flavor is mediocre at best, especially when compared to the convection vapes on this list. The bright side is it’s only $42 so it doesn’t sting so much when you decide to throw it away and upgrade.

G Pen / G Slim Ground Material Vaporizer

What is this a joke? Yeah pretty much. I can’t imagine how this thing ended up on the market. G-pen has removed it from their websites, but smokeshops all over the country are still pushing this junk onto innocent victims. I’ve never heard a single piece of decent advice about vapes from smoke shop employees. This coil based “vaporizer” takes a pinch of weed and turns it into a weird mix of ash and disappointment. This isn’t a good vape. Please do not buy it. I’m listing it here to tell you how terrible it is. AVOID.



I've been medicating with vaporizers, legally, since 2012. I started reviewing dry herb vaporizers and other cannabis products in 2015. I fell in love with creating content around vapes and cannabis vaporization. I'm passionate about the topic and the community. I love bringing people together and I love helping them understand the ins and outs of vaping weed.


  1. Sasquatch

    Love that you added the bit at the end about the G-Pen. Hopefully innocent people will see this and steer clear.

    Loving my StemPod its a beast.

    • Troy

      Thanks Sasquatch! Stempod is a rocking device!

  2. Gaston

    But, but, but the G Pen slim…

    But, but… Snoop says…

    Ahhh never mind… ;-)

    • Phill

      Snoop was my boy, an he puts his name on it!!???? The dog father I’ll give him that, but weed connoisseur??, I got my doubts lol

  3. John

    The G pro was my first vape (a gift from a friend) and it really was shit. I bought a Volcano for the house and a CFX for wandering about.
    Everything I know about weed vapes I learnt from you… Keep up the good work.

    • Phill

      What he said!! lol

  4. Alexis Kelly

    Hey Troy big respect dude hope you are doing real good at the moment. I am really keen on getting a portable vaporizer and I’m interested in both the splinter and stempod. But I can’t decide between them fully I wonder which you prefer and use the most? I have severe respiratory allergies and extremely sensitive lungs and I have an unusual and unexplainable but severe intolerance type reaction to many specific vaporizers but not all and it does not appear to be material related at all which is strange. For example I cannot tolerate the Vapexhale cloud Evo, Flowerpot, Glass Symphony or Herborizer Ti, but there are many more I have not tried which I’m certain would be similar.
    In contrast I tolerate the Elev8r vaporizer very well without an intolerance reaction to the device or the specific vapour it produces as with the other ones. I can take humungous large hits with the elevator which do not cause this bad reaction yes I cannot tolerate even the whispiest, invisible hits on those other devices. I seem to have an allergic type reaction to the form or nature of the vapor itself to do with my messed up immune system.

    However I am more confident about tolerating these splinter or stempod. But I am still sensitive to heat and harsh vapor from direct to draw and short airpaths. I tend to avoid using the vapcap dry. So can I ask please how is the smoothness of these devices? The splinter is available in the UK from vapefiend for a good price they rate it highly but they showed in the video the Milaana cooling mouthpiece which they seem to think was necessary. So if I was to buy the splinter I would do so from vapefiend and also get the cooling mouthpiece, and I also stock a gong water adaptor for the Splinter.

    The Splinter Z looks amazing but it may be a while before it is available in Europe and I think there is more chance of me having a problem with that one than the standard splinter. But I am one to always want the best and not feel short-changed.

    So it occurred to me that if it was the case that the current splinter was inferior to the splinter Z then the stempod maybe a good compromise if it is possibly a better performer, faster extractor, with more Potent effects possibly?

    Smoothness and coolness will also be a big factor. Any thoughts you have any time would be greatly appreciated and cute respect and thanks for what you were doing, take care bro Alexis from FC.

    • Troy

      Hi Alexis! Thanks for the comment and question. I recall reading your vape sensitivities in one of the FC threads as well, very peculiar!!
      Do you think it’s heat related?
      I find both the stempod and the splinter to be a bit on the hotter and harsher side. They’re not complaint worthy, but to me they feel hotter and harsher than many others. The RBT xl8r mouthpiece is F’in MAGICAL though. It pulls out so much heat from the vapor… I’m in love with it :)
      If I had to compare the two, I’d say the splinter is more convection and has a hotter vapor. The Stempod isn’t as convection tasting/feeling, but the vapor from it rocks.

    • Phill

      Either way dude, the milana bubbler is great!, for splinter and anything with an18 mm joint, like the tubo x!!!

  5. Alexis Kelly

    Hey Troy, thanks so much for your answer I really appreciate that and have the greatest respect for your views and opinions I know you have such a wealth of experience and are always totally dead honest. So that is really helpful what you say but still it’s a hard one because these vapes are difficult to pick between. For sure if I was to go for the splinter I would be using either the Xl8r or Milaana cooling mouthpiece. It seems quite unanimous that this is kind of necessary/preferred by most vs short dry stem.
    If you told me you thought they splinter was smoother and cooler I wouldn’t think twice about the Stempod because I do prefer most things about the Splinter also the fact it is readily available here in the UK for a good price.
    But I also have my eyes on the splinter Z which I would hope to use kind of as a home unit through water. Im also considering the MV1 as an On Demand portable I have seen your video review and I know this is not your favourite vape but I do think it may actually work quite well for me personally for specific situations and it does sound as though it’s cooler vapour maybe right up my street.

    Lots to think about. Hope everything is well with you anyway and thanks again for your response take the best care man, Alexis.

    • Troy

      Great to hear from you again Alexis!
      A few things:
      Ghost MV1 – this vape has come a long way and has improved drastically. It’s still pricey, but there is a lot of engineering going on. The MV1 is moving closer to the top of my list.
      I have a Z on its way and I can’t wait to check it out! I’ve heard so many good things about it and i absolutely LOVE the zion, so i think the splinter Z is going to sweep up :)
      Spinter vs Stempod – this is a really tough comparison and the newest stempod coils perform more closely to the splinter. I’m going to try to make a video to compare…

  6. Alexis Kelly

    Hi try massive thank you again that is extremely helpful what you say. To be truthful my heart is set on both the MV1 and a Splinter of some description. I have suchmrespect for your reviews though, and out of all factors of influence across the board, your feelings on this one really struck out at me. Like if it still,really wasnt appealing to you while there are so many others that do… hehe, take it as a complinent anyway. That’s partly what Im saying. So that does put a diffetent slant on the MV1 now what you say here.

    I understand it is a complicated vape with a lot of factors involved too so not someasy to review and categorize. I reckon I could live with the crucible system though. I have endured far less enjoyable and restrictive loading and maintenance requirements before.

    So I will be watching out for all of your upcoming reviews with excitement and interest thanks in advance for what you put out there for us. I have some really good vape stuff to sell on before I can be more proactive about new purchases I just haven’t been well enough to make anything happen for some time off late.

    If I can speed on with this things will suddenly be much clearer, all your advice and feedback will be a big help from here. Enjoy your weekend mate take care, Alexis.

  7. Dmitry Yakubson

    Seems like a good and honest review, and the only reason I say that is because it’s the only review I found that doesn’t put any piece of shit from migvapor at the top of their list. That company is a total joke (and not if the funny kind)
    Thank you, I will definitely be looking into the atomizers you reviewed.

    • Troy

      Thanks Dmitry! Yeah the Migvapor dry herb tanks are junk. A lot of the reviews and vape tank content seems to be shill content with no real experience or authority.

  8. Evgeniy

    Thank you. This article helped me a lot!

  9. Stele

    Best information on the subject I could find over the internet, cheers from Australia.

  10. Rich

    Well unfortunately Ii bought the G pen Nova and the tank sucks.
    Can you recommend a dry product tank that would be a good match for the Nova pen?
    Thanks in advance.

  11. Danek

    Thanks Troy for a heads up on the 510 gear, I already have a MOD, but did purchase a pathfinder vape before I stumbled across you on YouTube which has not been a great on performance but now after your write up and vids on yt I’m going to grab a stempod si! Can not wait!

  12. Jacob Johnson

    I recieved my splinter 3 today and the glass inside was broke and i cant figure out how to return it or get a new one

  13. Talim

    Will you be willing to update this list or do a video on any 510 dry herb Vapes in 2020? Seeking one currently and you give the most useful information for products so I think it’s help me decide a lot

  14. laarSn

    So glad, what you wrote about f***** century’s shit; this G-PEN…

    DONT BUY THIS SHIT, i tested it!

    Sorry my english is rusty!

    Respect man and thanks for being concern about true quality stuff!
    From France…

  15. Anton Rojas

    So the splinter z is basically if you somehow fitted a mesh deck to a stem-pod

    except its a whole load of mesh……………
    tempting…. I mean my steam-pod already don`t keep up with my 20v hot air gun……. but 510 is handy and my 2kw hot air gun is a beast but….. you can`t hear the tv when you fire it up….. where as the steam-pod you could use in the cinema….. and they do blow something like an arizer solo away………
    So now I`m tempted to get a deck and build a mesh or ceramic herb 510 unit…….
    Tho I was pulling full rips outside off a 18mm bong with a 32mm bowl with my 20v hot air gun….. yeah I add balls to keep the air stable…. gotta love them balls….. my stempod even took a 2nd screen and 1 x 6mm ball
    Using much larger coils than stock in my stem-pod I can run it at 70w and not burn gotta draw hard tho…
    The 1 thing I do different to most people is

    I always use a male to female 18mm….. with a basket screen….. herb goes in the basket screen….. then I have a gauze in the male to female…… the I like to use lamart`s “tank” top mouthpiece or some others…… I also use a basket screen on these atleast…
    On a herb vape I like 2 to 6 screens between me and the herb…. if there`s water cooling then 2 screens can do

    on a wax rig I need 2 screens…. I see people juice vaping on tanks and rda`s with no screens and I would not even risk that….. let alone wax / dab atomizers with no screens……..
    but I never was a smoker…… and for me … bits of herb in my mouth or burning bits in my lungs……… is not what I`m trying for……..

    enjoy the vapes peeps


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  1. Sasquatch

    Love that you added the bit at the end about the G-Pen. Hopefully innocent people will see this and steer clear.

    Loving my StemPod its a beast.

    • Troy

      Thanks Sasquatch! Stempod is a rocking device!

  2. Gaston

    But, but, but the G Pen slim…

    But, but… Snoop says…

    Ahhh never mind… ;-)

    • Phill

      Snoop was my boy, an he puts his name on it!!???? The dog father I’ll give him that, but weed connoisseur??, I got my doubts lol

  3. John

    The G pro was my first vape (a gift from a friend) and it really was shit. I bought a Volcano for the house and a CFX for wandering about.
    Everything I know about weed vapes I learnt from you… Keep up the good work.

    • Phill

      What he said!! lol

  4. Alexis Kelly

    Hey Troy big respect dude hope you are doing real good at the moment. I am really keen on getting a portable vaporizer and I’m interested in both the splinter and stempod. But I can’t decide between them fully I wonder which you prefer and use the most? I have severe respiratory allergies and extremely sensitive lungs and I have an unusual and unexplainable but severe intolerance type reaction to many specific vaporizers but not all and it does not appear to be material related at all which is strange. For example I cannot tolerate the Vapexhale cloud Evo, Flowerpot, Glass Symphony or Herborizer Ti, but there are many more I have not tried which I’m certain would be similar.
    In contrast I tolerate the Elev8r vaporizer very well without an intolerance reaction to the device or the specific vapour it produces as with the other ones. I can take humungous large hits with the elevator which do not cause this bad reaction yes I cannot tolerate even the whispiest, invisible hits on those other devices. I seem to have an allergic type reaction to the form or nature of the vapor itself to do with my messed up immune system.

    However I am more confident about tolerating these splinter or stempod. But I am still sensitive to heat and harsh vapor from direct to draw and short airpaths. I tend to avoid using the vapcap dry. So can I ask please how is the smoothness of these devices? The splinter is available in the UK from vapefiend for a good price they rate it highly but they showed in the video the Milaana cooling mouthpiece which they seem to think was necessary. So if I was to buy the splinter I would do so from vapefiend and also get the cooling mouthpiece, and I also stock a gong water adaptor for the Splinter.

    The Splinter Z looks amazing but it may be a while before it is available in Europe and I think there is more chance of me having a problem with that one than the standard splinter. But I am one to always want the best and not feel short-changed.

    So it occurred to me that if it was the case that the current splinter was inferior to the splinter Z then the stempod maybe a good compromise if it is possibly a better performer, faster extractor, with more Potent effects possibly?

    Smoothness and coolness will also be a big factor. Any thoughts you have any time would be greatly appreciated and cute respect and thanks for what you were doing, take care bro Alexis from FC.

    • Troy

      Hi Alexis! Thanks for the comment and question. I recall reading your vape sensitivities in one of the FC threads as well, very peculiar!!
      Do you think it’s heat related?
      I find both the stempod and the splinter to be a bit on the hotter and harsher side. They’re not complaint worthy, but to me they feel hotter and harsher than many others. The RBT xl8r mouthpiece is F’in MAGICAL though. It pulls out so much heat from the vapor… I’m in love with it :)
      If I had to compare the two, I’d say the splinter is more convection and has a hotter vapor. The Stempod isn’t as convection tasting/feeling, but the vapor from it rocks.

    • Phill

      Either way dude, the milana bubbler is great!, for splinter and anything with an18 mm joint, like the tubo x!!!

  5. Alexis Kelly

    Hey Troy, thanks so much for your answer I really appreciate that and have the greatest respect for your views and opinions I know you have such a wealth of experience and are always totally dead honest. So that is really helpful what you say but still it’s a hard one because these vapes are difficult to pick between. For sure if I was to go for the splinter I would be using either the Xl8r or Milaana cooling mouthpiece. It seems quite unanimous that this is kind of necessary/preferred by most vs short dry stem.
    If you told me you thought they splinter was smoother and cooler I wouldn’t think twice about the Stempod because I do prefer most things about the Splinter also the fact it is readily available here in the UK for a good price.
    But I also have my eyes on the splinter Z which I would hope to use kind of as a home unit through water. Im also considering the MV1 as an On Demand portable I have seen your video review and I know this is not your favourite vape but I do think it may actually work quite well for me personally for specific situations and it does sound as though it’s cooler vapour maybe right up my street.

    Lots to think about. Hope everything is well with you anyway and thanks again for your response take the best care man, Alexis.

    • Troy

      Great to hear from you again Alexis!
      A few things:
      Ghost MV1 – this vape has come a long way and has improved drastically. It’s still pricey, but there is a lot of engineering going on. The MV1 is moving closer to the top of my list.
      I have a Z on its way and I can’t wait to check it out! I’ve heard so many good things about it and i absolutely LOVE the zion, so i think the splinter Z is going to sweep up :)
      Spinter vs Stempod – this is a really tough comparison and the newest stempod coils perform more closely to the splinter. I’m going to try to make a video to compare…

  6. Alexis Kelly

    Hi try massive thank you again that is extremely helpful what you say. To be truthful my heart is set on both the MV1 and a Splinter of some description. I have suchmrespect for your reviews though, and out of all factors of influence across the board, your feelings on this one really struck out at me. Like if it still,really wasnt appealing to you while there are so many others that do… hehe, take it as a complinent anyway. That’s partly what Im saying. So that does put a diffetent slant on the MV1 now what you say here.

    I understand it is a complicated vape with a lot of factors involved too so not someasy to review and categorize. I reckon I could live with the crucible system though. I have endured far less enjoyable and restrictive loading and maintenance requirements before.

    So I will be watching out for all of your upcoming reviews with excitement and interest thanks in advance for what you put out there for us. I have some really good vape stuff to sell on before I can be more proactive about new purchases I just haven’t been well enough to make anything happen for some time off late.

    If I can speed on with this things will suddenly be much clearer, all your advice and feedback will be a big help from here. Enjoy your weekend mate take care, Alexis.

  7. Dmitry Yakubson

    Seems like a good and honest review, and the only reason I say that is because it’s the only review I found that doesn’t put any piece of shit from migvapor at the top of their list. That company is a total joke (and not if the funny kind)
    Thank you, I will definitely be looking into the atomizers you reviewed.

    • Troy

      Thanks Dmitry! Yeah the Migvapor dry herb tanks are junk. A lot of the reviews and vape tank content seems to be shill content with no real experience or authority.

  8. Evgeniy

    Thank you. This article helped me a lot!

  9. Stele

    Best information on the subject I could find over the internet, cheers from Australia.

  10. Rich

    Well unfortunately Ii bought the G pen Nova and the tank sucks.
    Can you recommend a dry product tank that would be a good match for the Nova pen?
    Thanks in advance.

  11. Danek

    Thanks Troy for a heads up on the 510 gear, I already have a MOD, but did purchase a pathfinder vape before I stumbled across you on YouTube which has not been a great on performance but now after your write up and vids on yt I’m going to grab a stempod si! Can not wait!

  12. Jacob Johnson

    I recieved my splinter 3 today and the glass inside was broke and i cant figure out how to return it or get a new one

  13. Talim

    Will you be willing to update this list or do a video on any 510 dry herb Vapes in 2020? Seeking one currently and you give the most useful information for products so I think it’s help me decide a lot

  14. laarSn

    So glad, what you wrote about f***** century’s shit; this G-PEN…

    DONT BUY THIS SHIT, i tested it!

    Sorry my english is rusty!

    Respect man and thanks for being concern about true quality stuff!
    From France…

  15. Anton Rojas

    So the splinter z is basically if you somehow fitted a mesh deck to a stem-pod

    except its a whole load of mesh……………
    tempting…. I mean my steam-pod already don`t keep up with my 20v hot air gun……. but 510 is handy and my 2kw hot air gun is a beast but….. you can`t hear the tv when you fire it up….. where as the steam-pod you could use in the cinema….. and they do blow something like an arizer solo away………
    So now I`m tempted to get a deck and build a mesh or ceramic herb 510 unit…….
    Tho I was pulling full rips outside off a 18mm bong with a 32mm bowl with my 20v hot air gun….. yeah I add balls to keep the air stable…. gotta love them balls….. my stempod even took a 2nd screen and 1 x 6mm ball
    Using much larger coils than stock in my stem-pod I can run it at 70w and not burn gotta draw hard tho…
    The 1 thing I do different to most people is

    I always use a male to female 18mm….. with a basket screen….. herb goes in the basket screen….. then I have a gauze in the male to female…… the I like to use lamart`s “tank” top mouthpiece or some others…… I also use a basket screen on these atleast…
    On a herb vape I like 2 to 6 screens between me and the herb…. if there`s water cooling then 2 screens can do

    on a wax rig I need 2 screens…. I see people juice vaping on tanks and rda`s with no screens and I would not even risk that….. let alone wax / dab atomizers with no screens……..
    but I never was a smoker…… and for me … bits of herb in my mouth or burning bits in my lungs……… is not what I`m trying for……..

    enjoy the vapes peeps


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