When the Pckt One came out it liberated me from so many unworthy vape pen batteries. I literally threw away 5 cheap vape batteries after two days of using the original PCKT One. The power and longevity of the battery are remarkable and the PCKT vapes have the absolute best carry and form factory of any vape pen. Unlike traditional vape batteries that are long and pen-shaped, the PCKT One and PCKT One Plus are short and compact. Perfect for carrying anywhere and vaping anytime.
PCKT One Plus vs PCKT One
The Original PCKT One has a smaller diameter opening that doesn’t fit the industries largest vape cartridges. The larger diameter hole on the PCKT One Plus fits the largest refillable cartridges from CCELL as well as the fattest cartridges available in California’s market.
The Plus version also has 3 different temperature settings while the original Pckt One only has two.
The PCKT One Plus is $59 and the PCKT One is $49
i just busted out laughing at the “plus uses a bigger hole….. pause”
i officially love this guy