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High Times is Going Public!

High Times is Going Public!

As cannabis shakes off the final grasps of prohibition, the emerging cannabis industry is poised to blast off. Forbes forecasts the North American cannabis industry going from $9.2 billion in 2017 to $47.3 billion by 2027. One of the most well-known industry leaders,...
Weed Vape Cases

Weed Vape Cases

One of the reasons I started medicating with cannabis is because it helps me fall asleep. On one insomnia-ridden night, I caught myself browsing through an endless selection of weed vape cases. To help pass the time I decided to put together a list of my favorite...
7 Things to Do When You’re Dankrupt

7 Things to Do When You’re Dankrupt

Break open the emergency stash One of the smartest things you can ever do is set a bit of your stash aside for a rainy day. You won’t notice anything missing, and I promise you the day you ever need to use that emergency stash. You will be insanely grateful for...
Davinci IQ Cracked Oven

Davinci IQ Cracked Oven

I was browsing my favorite subreddit recently /r/vaporents and came across a thread about a Davinci IQ with some cracks in the bowl. Davinci was on the ball and responded within the thread instructing the user to stop using his Davinci IQ immediately and contact the...
My Davinci IQ Won’t Hit

My Davinci IQ Won’t Hit

My friend recently got a Davinci IQ and used it daily without doing a deep clean. One Saturday morning I got a call with the words, “My Davinci IQ won’t hit”. The first thing I noticed was how much resistance each hit had. My friend did a fantastic...
How to vape indoors without getting caught

How to vape indoors without getting caught

Does vaping weed smell? Yes! Vaping cannabis absolutely has a distinct odor; however, vaporizer odor is very different from and far less obnoxious than marijuana smoke. Fortunately, people have a pretty weak sense of smell, and there are some pretty simple tricks to...