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Boundless CF and CFX Modifications

honey / reclaim on the screen of a Boundless CF Vaporizer
With both screen mods in place, the internal screen becomes a honey magnet. FREE DABS!

What I love about the cannabis vape community is the innovation and hacking happening at the consumer level.  Weed vapes exist because of stoner ingenuity, and that same drive to improve our cannabis consumption methods pushes many of us to hack and modify our vapes. We’re always looking to squeeze a little more value or sculpt and polish that perfect experience. Or you know, just make something fucking work!

In the case of the Boundless CF and CFX – both already great vapes – a few simple mods can dramatically improve the quality of the vapor and the experience.

Mouthpiece Screen Installation

This simple mod was shown off by /u/djchexxx. He took apart the lower portion of the mouthpiece and installed a stainless steel pipe screen in place of the threaded cap with little holes drilled into it. This greatly improves airflow and doesn’t get easily clogged like the cap design.

I tried it. It works well, but it still clogs and requires cleaning. And in this case, that means disassembling the mouthpiece. Not a huge deal, but the timing can get annoying. I recommend doing this in addition to one of the screen mods below.

Pipe Screen & Bucket Screen Mod

CF/CFX Bucket Screen mod - mouthpiece
The ELB top bucket screen locks nicely into place on the underside of the mouthpiece. A perfect fit.

This one is simple and super quick to clean. Take a 10mm stainless steel pipe screen. They’re usually 12 for $1 at your local headshop or stock up for life on Amazon. Bend and stretch the screen around your pinky or a Bic pen. With a little work, you can give the screen a nice round/bucket shape. Place this on top of the CF or CFX bowl before you put on the mouthpiece. When it gets dirty, you can use a brush or rub it with your fingers. You can even have several shaped screens handy because you’ll eventually lose one anyway.

If you prefer the neater look, you can buy specialty bucket screens that fit perfectly into the Boundless CFX chamber.
The Arizer Extreme Q bucket screen and the top portion of the Vape Xhale ELB bucket screen both sit perfectly above the bowl and below the mouthpiece. You’ll still want to remove the threaded filter and the threaded insert.  I prefer the VapeXhale bucket because it seats and stays attached to the mouthpiece, but the Arizer Extreme Q screens are cheaper.

Related: Boundless CFX Review

ELB Mod – Extra Convection, easy cleaning, on-the-go pods

Yungleaner and Justpassedu over at the fuck combustion forums discovered that the easy load bowls from the VapeXHale units fit nearly perfectly into the CF/CFX chamber.

The best part about this mod is the ELB is a perfect pod system for the CF and CFX. Preload your ELBs with .3g each and you’ve got your day covered. You’ll have to smoosh the long basket down a bit on the end most likely. You can put your material in here, cap it with the smaller bucket screen, and have 4 capsules for hot swapping or on-the-go convenience. With the CFX this method seems to get more convection early in the session. With the CF the effect was less dramatic, but it took longer to fully vape everything. At lower temps, expect two full sessions of slightly lighter clouds, or at high temps about a session and a half of average-to-good sized clouds.

The ELBs are a bit pricey, but they’re very high quality and will last a long time.

Using the ELB as a capsule is kinda fun. I just carried them around loose in my pocket, although something airtight would be better. They come out hot though, so if you’re hot-swapping – be careful. They’re also easy to clean. A light massage between your fingers and a few taps into a jar will clear the ELB right out.



I've been medicating with vaporizers, legally, since 2012. I started reviewing dry herb vaporizers and other cannabis products in 2015. I fell in love with creating content around vapes and cannabis vaporization. I'm passionate about the topic and the community. I love bringing people together and I love helping them understand the ins and outs of vaping weed.


  1. Don

    What size screen for the CFX?

    P.S. Thanks for this tut!

    • Daniel J Brown

      For those who are looking for the common screen size for the first mod, it’s 5/8″….

      • Daniel J Brown

        Ugh, 5/8″ doesn’t fit and can’t find 13.8mm, closest would be 9/16″ or 14.8mm… I don’t get it… Also, lost the screen from the bottom of the chamber, that will take 14.8mm for sure…

  2. Don

    This is a great hack!
    I got the Arizer Extreme Q basket and in my opinion the “basket” is too small. It’s really tiny compared to the full size of the boundless herb chamber. Guess I’m gonna try the vapeXhale ELB bucket next.

  3. Gil Schwartz

    Can I change to the screen mode without the bucket mode?

    • vapenoob

      yea you can just do the screen mod. Both mods rocks and worth every penny. Also your local drugstore likely has a perfect ELB size pill bottle machined with oring for carrying around an extra load. So one in the machine, one in the pocket, I can reload while walking with the mrs in the outdoor market. Thanks dudes for the tips and the honey magnet. Also the mouthpiece collects a LOT of honey, I use a tie wrap end (plastic) to collect there after the unit cools a little bit before the dab goes hard plastic but not all liquidy :)

  4. dave

    Anyone ever drill out the way to small vent holes in the bottom. I would think this would incrase the airflow big time……

  5. MetroidsAteMyStash

    Just did the pipe screen mod for the mouthpiece. I had originally cut one to fit the screw in piece. Yours works far better and easier, no clue why I made it harder on myself.

  6. John

    what hapened with the videos?

    • George G

      Hi John,

      Youtube unfortunately did a mass purge of weed related videos about a month ago. The 420vapezone channel was unfortunately one of the channels affected. We wrote an article explaining the situation herehttps://420vapezone.com/420-vapezone-banned-by-youtube/. Although this is an unfortunate situation, we’re working on reuploading all the videos to Vimeo and self hosting all of the videos here on 420vapezone.com. This is not the end, it’s only the beginning for Troy! Hit that subscribe button on the top of the site to receive notifications when Troy uploads new videos here. Thank you for your continued support!

  7. Georges Focsaneanu

    when you do the ELB mod do you need to remove the screen in the heating chamber of the boundlesss CFX. I know you must remove the mouth piece screen

  8. Kesiasty

    What’s the difference in flavour between using this mod and regular mouthpiece?


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  1. Don

    What size screen for the CFX?

    P.S. Thanks for this tut!

    • Daniel J Brown

      For those who are looking for the common screen size for the first mod, it’s 5/8″….

      • Daniel J Brown

        Ugh, 5/8″ doesn’t fit and can’t find 13.8mm, closest would be 9/16″ or 14.8mm… I don’t get it… Also, lost the screen from the bottom of the chamber, that will take 14.8mm for sure…

  2. Don

    This is a great hack!
    I got the Arizer Extreme Q basket and in my opinion the “basket” is too small. It’s really tiny compared to the full size of the boundless herb chamber. Guess I’m gonna try the vapeXhale ELB bucket next.

  3. Gil Schwartz

    Can I change to the screen mode without the bucket mode?

    • vapenoob

      yea you can just do the screen mod. Both mods rocks and worth every penny. Also your local drugstore likely has a perfect ELB size pill bottle machined with oring for carrying around an extra load. So one in the machine, one in the pocket, I can reload while walking with the mrs in the outdoor market. Thanks dudes for the tips and the honey magnet. Also the mouthpiece collects a LOT of honey, I use a tie wrap end (plastic) to collect there after the unit cools a little bit before the dab goes hard plastic but not all liquidy :)

  4. dave

    Anyone ever drill out the way to small vent holes in the bottom. I would think this would incrase the airflow big time……

  5. MetroidsAteMyStash

    Just did the pipe screen mod for the mouthpiece. I had originally cut one to fit the screw in piece. Yours works far better and easier, no clue why I made it harder on myself.

  6. John

    what hapened with the videos?

    • George G

      Hi John,

      Youtube unfortunately did a mass purge of weed related videos about a month ago. The 420vapezone channel was unfortunately one of the channels affected. We wrote an article explaining the situation herehttps://420vapezone.com/420-vapezone-banned-by-youtube/. Although this is an unfortunate situation, we’re working on reuploading all the videos to Vimeo and self hosting all of the videos here on 420vapezone.com. This is not the end, it’s only the beginning for Troy! Hit that subscribe button on the top of the site to receive notifications when Troy uploads new videos here. Thank you for your continued support!

  7. Georges Focsaneanu

    when you do the ELB mod do you need to remove the screen in the heating chamber of the boundlesss CFX. I know you must remove the mouth piece screen

  8. Kesiasty

    What’s the difference in flavour between using this mod and regular mouthpiece?


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