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Black Friday & Cyber Monday Vape Deals 2025

I’ve spoken openly about my Black Friday PTSD from my previous career, but for those who may have missed it – I used to work for Black Friday-related deal websites (fatwallet.com, bfads.net, ebates.com). Black Friday and Cyber Monday are hectic, and I’d often work 20hr days during October and November. It’s been 7 years since quitting that job and working for myself as 420vapezone, but every Black Friday, this deals page hits me, and I relive the stress.

So, this year, I’m doing it differently. I’m not going to list every single Black Friday vape deal here. I’m only going to list the vape deals worth hitting. No shitty vapes. No shitty deals. No shitty stores. Only the Best Deals. Black Friday is still the best time of the year to buy dry herb vapes and other weed gadgets, but I don’t want you buying crappy vapes just because they’re cheap.

Vapvana Black Friday – 25% Screwball Ball Vape

The Screwball is one of the best-corded ball vapes available. For their Black Friday sale, Vapvana is discounting the Screwball Ball vape and Pinch Hitter by 15%. Use code TROYTIME to save an additional 10% for 25% savings.

Vapvana swept the ball vape scene with the Screwball, and it’s still the hardest and smoothest-hitting desktop vape available.

Vapvana Screwball 25% at Vapvana this Black Friday

Click Here to shop Vapvana’s sale. Don’t forget to use code TROYTIME.

The VapVana Ace is my #1 Cordless ball vape, which is not on sale this Black Friday. If you want to know what makes these vapes so amazing, check out my comprehensive guide to ball vapes.

Update: 11-29 – I’ve been getting asked several times daily about the VapVana Pinch Hitter and how it compares to the Screwball. The Pinch Hitter is deeply discounted in the Vapvana Black Friday sale as well.

The Pinch Hitter does not hit as hard as the Screwball. The Screwball hits harder and hits smoother than the Pinch Hitter, but the Pinch Hitter still hits harder than all of the traditional vaporizers. The Pinch Hitter is a great first-ball vape for anyone looking for a hard-hitting vape that doesn’t break the bank.

Planet of the Vapes: Best Black Friday Vape Deals

PotV is killing it with the deals and bundles this year. They’re first on the list because they start their sale EARLY to relieve Holiday stress. The past several years have been filled with the same deals from all the online dry herb vape stores, and PotV has had enough of it. They’ve curated a plethora of perfect vape accessories and bundled them with their best vapes. Aside from killer deals on the Lobo, Mighty+, Venty, and Volcano, you can bundle these vapes with a handful of customized accessories!

Click Here to go to the PotV Bundle Deals

Planet of the Vapes Black Friday Deals on Vape Bundles - Customized Vape Accessories on sale with their Vape

Best Vape Deals from PotV

Now is the time to pick up any of these popular portable vaporizers. There are massive savings on the Storz & Bickel lineup, as well as the PotV Lobo and One vaporizers. This is the cheapest you’ll see the Mighty+ and Venty until next 4/20.

The Venty for $381 is a slammin’ deal on the #1 luxury portable vape. The Mighty for $319 is a solid option, but if you’re using it daily, you should spend the extra money and get the Venty.

The Volcano Hybrid for $559 is a deal if bags are your bag, baby. The PotV Lobo for $139 and One for $79 are good deals for a budget-friendly portable. The Lobo is ideal for committed vaporists looking for an affordable portable to use on the go. The One is geared towards casual smokers new to vaporizers.

They also have the Solo 3 for @259, which is $10 cheaper than directly from Arizer with my code.

Planet of the Vapes Black Friday 2024 sale includes these vapes: Mighty+, Venty, Volcano Hybrid, PotV Lobo, Potv One

Still researching vapes?

I’ve reviewed all of these vapes, and they’re all worthy. Check out my reviews if you need to do further research:
Mighty+ Review | Venty Review | Volcano Hybrid Review | PotV Lobo Review | PotV One Review

Dynavap 20% Off for Black Friday 2024

Dynavap has started its official Black Friday sale. Everything in the store is 20% off except the limited edition XL M7 vaporizers.

  • Hypderdyn is 20% off
  • Omni’s 20% off
  • Dynavap M 20%
  • Vong and Vong (i) are 20%
  • all Dynavap accessories are 20%
  • they also have several bundles

Click Here to shop Dynavap’s Black Friday 2024 Sale

Healthy Rips Black Friday

Healthy Rips just released their updated Rogue 2, and it’s already on sale for Black Friday. The Rogue 2 for $118 is a killer deal and probably the HOTTEST NEW PORTABLE VAPE of 2024. Check out my Rogue 2 review to learn more.

Fury Edge for $101 is all right. It’s a bit better than the PotV One, but essentially the same vaporizer with a slightly larger battery. I prefer the Lobo and Rogue 2 over the One and Fury Edge.

Click Here and Use code BF15 to save 15% storewide at Healthy Rips

Healthy Rips Black Friday 2024 Deals are the Rogue 2 for 118 and the Fury Edge for 101. Use code BF15

Puffco Black Friday 2024

Updated 11-29: Puffco has added free shipping to all of their deals. Black Friday only.

Puffco’s Black Friday sale is LIVE NOW, and Roger announced the details in a live stream.

Puffco is having its biggest sale of the year, and they’re discounting the Puffco Peak, Peak Pro, Peak 3D Atomizers, Proxy, Pivot, and everything in between! Puffcos only go on sale twice per year—Black Friday and 4/20. Now is the time to buy a Puffco if you’ve been waiting.

  • Proxy w/joystick $199
  • Peak Pro w/3DXL $370
  • 20% chambers, Hot Knives, Merch

See the Puffco Black Friday deals – HERE

Vapman / Lotus Black Friday Deals

Vapman and Lotus were both acquired and rejuvenated by two Italian gentlemen who have been operating as NowInhale.

NowInhale is offering 30% sitewide discounts on all vapes and accessories. The Vapman is one of my favorite manual vaporizers. It uses a tiny butane torch and is fantastic with traditional hash.

Vapman and Lotus are 30% for Black Friday at NowInhale

Click Here to visit NowInhale’s Black Friday 2024 Deals

If you want to know more about the Vapman, check out my Vapman Review.

Old Head Black Friday 2024 – DabReady & Terp Hammer Deals

Old Head Trading Company has made their sales live as well. They’re offering 20% off storewide now through Cyber Monday.

No code is needed, and discounts will automatically be applied at checkout. Old Head is the original innovator of the cordless ball vape, and the Terp Hammer is a wonderful full-convection cordless ball vape for anyone looking to upgrade.

Old Head Black Friday sale is 20% sitewide, including the BEST WEED SCOOP EVER

Old Head 20% Sale: (includes the scoop!)

  • CLICK HERE FOR for the Terp-Ready Complete Package – $400 ($100 off!) – This comes with everything you need to start vaping flower with a cordless ball vape. Add a quartz banger and you’ll have a complete desktop system for dabs and flower!
  • CLICK HERE for just the Terp Hammer—$160—If you already have a 25mm coil heater housing or are building/buying one, this is just the cordless ball vape without the heater. It was the very first cordless ball vape, and it’s still very good!
  • CLICK HERE to buy the Dab Ready for $240 (save $60). The Dab Ready will heat 25mm quartz bangers and any 25mm cordless ball vape, including the Terp hammer. However, it doesn’t come with a vape or a banger.
  • Old Head makes the BEST WEED SCOOP in the game. 20% applies to all of their tools and scoops! Click Here to go to the Old Head tools page.

Camouflet Black Friday Sale

Camouflet makes a few kickass weed vape gadgets on sale through Cyber Monday. Their Inductor is a desktop induction heater with a precision induction wand. It can heat all sorts of vapes that are usually torch-powered. Camouflet makes a few vapes as well. The Convector and Convector XL are handheld vapes similar in size to a joint or a blunt. They can be torch-heated or induction-heated with the Inductor.

Camouflet Black Friday 2024 - 20% off Inductor, Convector, Zooter

Camouflet also makes a Zooter, which is used for dabs, and an Injector. I like the Convectors better than the rest, but the Zooter was kinda neat. The Inductor desktop is ideal for vape geeks with compatible vapes, like the Dynavap, Lotus, Etc.

Click Here to go to the Camouflet website.

Greek Glass 50% RBRs

Greek Glass RBR sale - 50% off RBRs

Greek Glass is offering 50% their RBRs all November long.


Odin Stainless Steel Grinder – 20% Sale

Odin makes a decent stainless steel weed grinder. It’s not an S-Tier grinder, but it is high quality and functional.

Odin Stainless Steel weed grinder Black Friday sale is 20%

They have a 4-piece grinder that uses the traditional threaded design. I’ve tested this grinder extensively and have a review posted here. The threadless design has not been tested.

Click Here to save 20% on Odin stainless steel grinders.

Santa Cruz Shredder Black Friday

The Santa Cruz grinder is still the king in terms of grind quality. There are plenty of better grinders, but Santa Cruz is still a solid choice. Its grind is fluffy and perfect.

Santa Cruz Shredder makes several different sizes, and its grinders come in two, three, or four pieces. A Jumbo Santa Cruz Shredder in Rasta has been on my Christmas wish list for eight years, but nobody loves me enough to make it happen.

Click Here to go to Santa Cruz Shredder’s Black Friday Sale or check out my Santa Cruz Shredder Review if you’re on the fence.

Santa Cruz Shredder 20% Black Friday Sale

Brilliant Cut Grinder Black Friday

One of the sexiest-looking and-feeling grinders around, the Brilliant Cut was the first threadless grinder. The aluminum version is highly customizable, with 10+ colors to choose from. The Brilliant Cut Grinder comes in 2 different sizes, and you can choose between 3 different grind consistencies or pay the premium to include all 3.


Enso Hookah 20% // Airvape Black Friday

Airvape USA has a few exciting deals for this year’s Black Friday Sale. My absolute favorite is the Enso Hookah for $350! That’s $70 off the regular price of $420. Click here to get the Enso. Use code BF2024ENSO.

Airvape USA is discounting their store by 20%, including the Enso Hookah

The Enso Hookah has been one of my favorite new devices this year. Although it’s not designed as a desktop vaporizer for weed, it functions as a weed vape if you want it to. The Enso absolutely shines as a battery-powered portable hookah.

Hookah seshes are a great way to drive a vibe. Pack half shisha and half weed for an extra good vibe.

I’ve been loving the Enso and using it with authentic shisha, a tobacco product. Tobacco-free shisha is available on Amazon.

Click Here to shop Airvape’s Black Friday deals.

12″ Straight Fab Bong – 25% for Black Friday

This is the bong I’ve been using in my videos for the last 5+ years. It’s my favorite style of water bong for ball vapes because it’s open and smooth without having a huge cavity.

The Straight Fab is a Chinese knockoff that has become more popular than its original design.

Use code BF25 to save 25%

If you miss this discount or it sells out before Black Friday, you can use code VAPEZONE to save 15% in the off-season.

Straight Fab Egg Bong 25% for Black Friday at InhalCo

MG Vapor Solutions 20% Stunners

Vapor Solutions is offering 20% off everything except anodized Stunners, mood mats, and MuddyRiverWorkshop stems. This is a great time to pick up the Stunner, a hard-hitting micro-ball vape powered by a butane torch.

The Stunner is an excellent upgrade for Dynavap users looking for a more potent hit or any smoker looking for a healthier option with a kick. This vape hits significantly harder than other portable vapes.

Click Here to shop Vapor Solutions Black Friday deals.

Couch Log 10% @ 420ENG

These handmade vapes are rarely discounted, so this deal is extra special.

Use code BF420 to save 10% at 420ENG.com

The CouchLog is a microdose sized heavy hitter in a log vape format. These vapes are gorgeous and very well made. The CouchLog is my favorite log vape and I’m excited to try the new CouchLog XL.

Click here to shop 420ENG’s Black Friday sale.

Vgoodiez Black Friday Sale

Vgoodiez Black Friday Sale

Vgoodiez sale has a lot going on and their discounts vary from 5% all the way to 25%

Scott over at Vgoodiez has been curating dry herb vapes and accessories for his vape store for several years now and his Black Friday sale always has some great discounts.

25% off with code HOLIDAY25
– Crossing Tech (includes some cordless ball vape stuff)
– Focus V Carta 2 & Saber Hot knife
– JCVap Pockety, Poby vaporizers + Puffco Peak replacement atomizers

20% off with code HOLIDAY20
– Auber RDK300 PID
– Bear Quartz (mids)
– Camouflet Convector (no inductor)
– Disorderly Conduction PIDs, Cobra Coils
– Goo Roo Glass
– Highly Educated Control Tower
– Vapman & Lotus
– O’Connell TKO
– Rogue Wax Works
– YLL Angus Enhanced

10% off with code HOLIDAY10
– BFG Dani Fusion 2.0
– Dynavap
– Eds TNT
– The Club

Click Here to go to Vgoodiez complete Black Friday sale

Cannabis Hardware Black Friday – 1 Day Only 20%

Cannabis Hardware makes some of the finest ball vapes and desktop vape hardware available. They’re an American made product, made for cannabis enthusiasts, by cannabis enthusiasts.

Normally 5% is the best deal you can find on Cannabis Hardware using code TROYTIME.

Use code BF2024 to save 20%. This sale WILL SELL OUT FAST. Quantities are limited.