Weed Vaporizers That Use Removable Batteries
Arizer Air 2, Argo, and Air Max all have removable batteries. The Air and ArGo use 18650 and the Air Max uses a larger 21700.
The Angus – Angus uses TWO 18650 batteries to power it’s halogen bulb heater.
Boundless Tera – heavy-hitting portable convection vape with 2 removable 18650s.
Flowermate V5 Nano – Removable 18650
MFLB (Magic Flight Launch Box) – uses a single rechargeable AA battery I started averaging 1 bowl per charge. So I would highly suggest picking up a couple extra for your MFLB.
Davinci IQ/IQ2 – uses single 3500mah 18650 (Davinci IQ Review)
Davinci Miqro – single 18350
FireFly 2 – uses 7.4V Li-Ion battery (FireFly 2 Review)
TinyMighty and Tinymight 2 – Removable 18650
Haze 3 (Out of Business) – uses 18650 rechargeable battery (Haze 3 Review)
7th Floor Sidekick – 2 sets of rechargeable 18350 batteries (7th Floor Sidekick Review)
Milaana – (out of business) uses a single 18650 Battery
FireWood Vapes (Firewood 4, 5, 6, 7) – single 18650 battery
Xmax Starry – removable 18650 battery (Starry Review)
Grasshopper – (out of business) nonstandard slim expensive battery
Vivant Alternate – standard 18650 battery (Alternate Review)
CF Hybrid (no longer available) – replaceable High-Drain 18650 Battery
XVape Fog – single 18650 battery
Ghost MV1 (Out of Business) – 7.2v /2600mAh battery pack
Tubo Evic/Tetra Dual – removable 18650 battery
We Want to Hear From You
What other factors besides removable batteries do you look for when deciding on a new vape? Leave a comment below, we would love to hear from you!
Xmax V2 pro (and many rebrands) – single removable 18650 battery
Xmax V2 Pro (and many rebrands) – single removable 18650 battery.
Wait, can the MFLB use any type of AA battery? That’s pretty dope if so although only getting 1 bowl out of an entire AA battery… damn. I guess I can see why most of these use lithium ion batteries.
Thank you for this list I hope you keep this list updated as new ones come out as this was at the top of the search results.
I was considering going for the cfc 2.0 but I decided from now on I only want vapes with removable batteries. I have the HR Fury which I love and the CFX Boundless which is ok but I am looking for something small, stealthy and replaceable battery now.
Lithium batteries. Aren’t vehicles and E-motors creating fires?
I wanted an inexpensive dry vape convection. I’ll wait a bit.
Been using the Davinci iq2 since 2020 with no problems. I liked it so much I bought a second one and it is still unopened. I get great vapor from my iq2 , I also bought 2 Iqc prior and I didn’t like them as much. I also bought every extra part and several batteries (like 10) I even bought external chargers so i can vape for a month straight if i want. I have over 1000$ invested and I am still on the original battery and orginal iq2. I love it.the thing that makes them last is, right after i empty the flower, while hot I use a wooden skewer to pick it out and then q-tip to wipe it upside down. It looks new at 4+ years. It is small and handy. I bought Panasonic batteries and epoch, Samsung, davinci, as long as it is flat top 10 A , you can get higher mah like 3500mah instead of the 3000 from davinci site. I alternate batteries often. I use charging analyzers to monitor and charge them. Ive never used the USB on my device, I tape over the hole. This will preserve it if needed later. Davinci customer service was great, but they sold, so I don’t know if it’s still that way. Peace ya’ll, Taberk